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Learn to convert JSON to Python dictionaries and objects, use API responses, handle files, and explore limitations.

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Parsing JSON Data with Python


This guide covers parsing JSON data with the json module in Python and transforming it into a Python dictionary and vice versa.

An Introduction to JSON in Python

JavaScript Object Notation, or JSON, is a lightweight data-interchange format commonly used for transmitting data between servers and web applications via APIs. JSON data consists of key-value pairs where each key is a string, and each value can be a string, number, boolean, null, array, or object.

Here is an example of JSON:

  "name": "Maria Smith",
  "age": 32,
  "isMarried": true,
  "hobbies": ["reading", "jogging"],
  "address": {
    "street": "123 Main St",
    "city": "San Francisco",
    "state": "CA",
    "zip": "12345"
  "phoneNumbers": [
      "type": "home",
      "number": "555-555-1234"
      "type": "work",
      "number": "555-555-5678"
  "notes": null

Python natively supports JSON through the json module, which is part of the Python Standard Library. This means that you do not need to install any additional library to work with JSON in Python. You can import json as follows:

import json

The built-in Python json library exposes a complete API to deal with JSON. In particular, it has two key functions: loads and load. The loads function is for parsing JSON data from a string, while the load function is for parsing JSON data into bytes.

Through those two methods, json allows you to convert JSON data to equivalent Python objects like dictionaries and lists, and vice versa. Plus, the json module allows you to create custom encoders and decoders to handle specific data types.

Parsing JSON Data With Python

Converting a JSON String to a Python Dictionary

Assume that you have some JSON data stored in a string and you want to convert it to a Python dictionary. This is what the JSON data looks like:

  "name": "iPear 23",
  "colors": ["black", "white", "red", "blue"],
  "price": 999.99,
  "inStock": true

And this is its string representation in Python:

smartphone_json = '{"name": "iPear 23", "colors": ["black", "white", "red", "blue"], "price": 999.99, "inStock": true}'

Consider using the Python triple quotes convention to store long multi-line JSON strings.

You can verify that smartphone contains a valid Python string with the line below:


This will print:

<class 'str'>

str stands for “string” and means that the smartphone variable has the text sequence type.

Parse the JSON string contained in smartphone into a Python dictionary with the json.loads() method as follows:

import json

# JSON string
smartphone_json = '{"name": "iPear 23", "colors": ["black", "white", "red", "blue"], "price": 999.99, "inStock": true}'
# from JSON string to Python dict
smartphone_dict = json.loads(smartphone_json)

# verify the type of the resulting variable
print(type(smartphone_dict)) # dict

If you run this snippet, you would get:

<class 'dict'>

Now smartphone_dict contains a valid Python dictionary.

Next, pass a valid JSON string to json.loads() to convert a JSON string to a Python dictionary.

You can now access the resulting dictionary fields as usual:

product = smartphone_dict['name'] # smartphone
priced = smartphone['price'] # 999.99
colors = smartphone['colors'] # ['black', 'white', 'red', 'blue']

The json.loads() function will not always return a dictionary. Specifically, the returning data type depends on the input string. For example, if the JSON string contains a flat value, it will be converted to the equivalent Python primitive value:

import json
json_string = '15.5'
float_var = json.loads(json_string)

print(type(float_var)) # <class 'float'>

Similarly, a JSON string containing an array list will become a Python list:

import json
json_string = '[1, 2, 3]'
list_var = json.loads(json_string)
print(json_string) # <class 'list'>

The conversion table below explains how JSON values are converted to Python data by json:

| JSON Value | Python Data | | - | - | - | | string | str | | number (integer) | int | | number (real) | float | | true | True | | false | False | | null | None | | array | list | | object | dict |

Transforming a JSON API Response Into a Python Dictionary

Consider that you need to make an API and convert its JSON response to a Python dictionary. In the example below, we will call the following API endpoint from the {JSON} Placeholder project to get some fake JSON data:

That RESTFul API returns the JSON response below:

  "userId": 1,
  "id": 1,
  "title": "delectus aut autem",
  "completed": false

You can call that API with the urllib module from the Standard Library and convert the resulting JSON to a Python dictionary as follows:

import urllib.request
import json

url = ""

with urllib.request.urlopen(url) as response:
     body_json =

body_dict = json.loads(body_json)
user_id = body_dict['userId'] # 1

urllib.request.urlopen() peforms the API call and returns an HTTPResponse object. Its read() method is then used to get the response body body_json, which contains the API response as a JSON string. Finally, that string can be parsed into a Python dictionary through json.loads() as explained earlier.

Similarly, you can achieve the same result with requests:.

import requests
import json

url = ""
response = requests.get(url)

body_dict = response.json()
user_id = body_dict['userId'] # 1

The .json() method automatically transforms the response object containing JSON data into the respective Python data structure.

Loading a JSON File Into a Python Dictionary

Suppose you have some JSON data stored in a smartphone.json file as below:

  "name": "iPear 23",
  "colors": ["black", "white", "red", "blue"],
  "price": 999.99,
  "inStock": true,
  "dimensions": {
    "width": 2.82,
    "height": 5.78,
    "depth": 0.30
  "features": [
    "HD display",
    "Dual camera"

Your goal is to read the JSON file and load it into a Python dictionary. Achieve that with the snippet below:

import json

with open('smartphone.json') as file:
  smartphone_dict = json.load(file)

print(type(smartphone_dict)) # <class 'dict'>
features = smartphone_dict['features'] # ['5G', 'HD display', 'Dual camera']

The built-in open() library allows you to load a file and get its corresponding file object. The method then deserializes the text file or binary file containing a JSON document to the equivalent Python object. In this case, smartphone.json becomes a Python dictionary.

From JSON Data to Custom Python Object

Now, let's parse some JSON data into a custom Python class. This is what your custom Smartphone Python class looks like:

class Smartphone:
    def __init__(self, name, colors, price, in_stock): = name    
        self.colors = colors
        self.price = price
        self.in_stock = in_stock

Here, the goal is to convert the following JSON string to a Smartphone instance:

  "name": "iPear 23 Plus",
  "colors": ["black", "white", "gold"],
  "price": 1299.99,
  "inStock": false

Create a custom decoder to accomplish this task. To do that, extend the JSONDecoder class and set the object_hook parameter in the __init__ method. Assign it with the name of the class method containing the custom parsing logic. In that parsing method, you can use the values contained in the standard dictionary returned by to instantiate a Smartphone object.

Define a custom SmartphoneDecoder as below:

import json
class SmartphoneDecoder(json.JSONDecoder):
    def __init__(self, object_hook=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # set the custom object_hook method
        super().__init__(object_hook=self.object_hook, *args, **kwargs)

    # class method containing the 
    # custom parsing logic
    def object_hook(self, json_dict):
        new_smartphone = Smartphone(

        return new_smartphone

Use the get() method to read the dictionary values within the custom object_hook() method. This will ensure that no KeyErrors are raised if a key is missing from the dictionary. Instead, None values will be returned.

Now pass the SmartphoneDecoder class to the cls parameter in json.loads() to convert a JSON string to a Smartphone object:

import json

# class Smartphone:
# ...

# class SmartphoneDecoder(json.JSONDecoder): 
# ...

smartphone_json = '{"name": "iPear 23 Plus", "colors": ["black", "white", "gold"], "price": 1299.99, "inStock": false}'

smartphone = json.loads(smartphone_json, cls=SmartphoneDecoder)
print(type(smartphone)) # <class '__main__.Smartphone'>
name = # iPear 23 Plus

Similarly, you can use SmartphoneDecoder with json.load():

smartphone = json.load(smartphone_json_file, cls=SmartphoneDecoder)

Python Data to JSON

You can also go the other way around and convert Python data structures and primitives to JSON. This is possible thanks to the json.dump() and json.dumps() functions, which follows the conversion table below:

| Python Data | JSON Value | | - | - | - | | str | string | | int | number (integer) | | float | number (real) | | True | true | | False | false | | None | null | | list | array | | dict | object | | Null | None  |

json.dump() allows you to write a JSON string to a file, as in the following example:

import json

user_dict = {
    "name": "John",
    "surname": "Williams",
    "age": 48,
    "city": "New York"

# serializing the sample dictionary to a JSON file
with open("user.json", "w") as json_file:
    json.dump(user_dict, json_file)

This snippet will serialize the Python user_dict variable into the user.json file.

Similarly, json.dumps() converts a Python variable to its equivalent JSON string:

import json

user_dict = {
    "name": "John",
    "surname": "Williams",
    "age": 48,
    "city": "New York"

user_json_string = json.dumps(user_dict)


Run this snippet and you will get:

{"name": "John", "surname": "Williams", "age": 48, "city": "New York"}

Follow the official documentation to learn how to specify a custom encoder.

Limitations of the json Standard Module

JSON data parsing comes with challenges that cannot be overlooked.

Two commons examples are:

  • The Python json module would fall short in case of invalid, broken, or non-standard JSON.
  • Parsing JSON data from untrusted sources is dangerous because a malicious JSON string can cause your parser to break or consume a large amount of resources.

These limitations can be worked around, but it's best to use a commercial tool that makes JSON parsing easier, such as Web Scraper API.


While natively parsing JSON data through the json standard module in Python, you will need reliable proxy servers to bypass restrictions imposed by websites. Try a cutting-edge, fully-featured, commercial solution for data parsing, such as Bright Data's data and proxy products.


Learn to convert JSON to Python dictionaries and objects, use API responses, handle files, and explore limitations.




