Alle deine Aufgaben sind in einem Platz. Du kannst sie nach ihre Fristen sortieren oder mit einer Farbe etikettieren. Außerdem kannst du sie nach deiner benutzerdefinierten Ordner sammeln.
- Dark/Light mode
- Bundled with Webpack 5
- Build with Halfmoon CSS Framework
- All to-dos stored at Google Firebase Hosting
- One click login with Google Accounts
- 8 color to attach on to-dos items
- Show to-dos to their due (Today, Morning, This Week, This Month or Later)
- Create folder to organize items
- Show completed to-dos in navbar dropdown
- Show completed to-dos in list
- Edit to-do items
- Delete to-do items
- Fully resposive design
- Using Firebase Emulators.
- Multiple pages with Webpack.
- Loading skeleton while fetching data with CSS :empty pseudo element.
- Using Array.find method to get item via data attributes.
- How to change CSS pseudo elements with JS.
- Attaching current item ID to submit button, in order to use it while setting new infos.