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montyvesselinov committed Apr 21, 2024
1 parent 89f3eee commit be47bdc
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Showing 8 changed files with 131 additions and 30 deletions.
Binary file modified examples/condsim.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified examples/data.pdf
Binary file not shown.
70 changes: 62 additions & 8 deletions examples/example.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ import Kriging
import PyPlot
import Random


X = [3 7 1 5 9; 3 2 7 9 6]
X = Float64.([3 7 1 5 9; 3 2 7 9 6])
Z = exp.(randn(size(X, 2)))
fig, ax = PyPlot.subplots()
for i = 1:size(X, 2)
Expand All @@ -15,6 +17,7 @@ ax.text([5.1], [5.1], "?", fontsize=16)
ax.set_xlim(0, 10)
ax.set_ylim(0, 10)
display(fig); println()
Expand All @@ -27,21 +30,45 @@ krigedfield = Array{Float64}(undef, length(xs), length(ys))
krigedfield[i, j] = Kriging.krige(permutedims([x y]), X, Z, covfun)[1]

krigedfield2 = reshape(Kriging.krige(permutedims([xs ys]), X, Z, covfun), 100, 100)

fig, ax = PyPlot.subplots()
cax = ax.imshow(permutedims(krigedfield2), extent=[0, 10, 0, 10], origin="lower")
cax = ax.imshow(permutedims(krigedfield), extent=[0, 10, 0, 10], origin="lower")
for i = 1:size(X, 2)
ax.plot([X[1, i]], [X[2, i]], "r.", ms=10)
display(fig); println()

x0mat = Array{Float64}(undef, 2, length(xs) * length(ys))
global k = 1
for (i, x) in enumerate(xs), (j, y) in enumerate(ys)
x0mat[1, k] = x
x0mat[2, k] = y
global k += 1
@time z0 = Kriging.interpolate_neighborhood(x0mat, X, Z, covfun, 20; neighborsearch=50)
kriging_neighborhood_field = Array{Float64}(undef, length(xs), length(ys))
global k = 1
for (i, x) in enumerate(xs), (j, y) in enumerate(ys)
kriging_neighborhood_field[i, j] = z0[k]
global k += 1
fig, ax = PyPlot.subplots()
cax = ax.imshow(permutedims(kriging_neighborhood_field), extent=[0, 10, 0, 10], origin="lower")
for i = 1:size(X, 2)
ax.plot([X[1, i]], [X[2, i]], "r.", ms=10)
PyPlot.title("Kriging neighborhood")
display(fig); println()

inversedistancefield = Array{Float64}(undef, length(xs), length(ys))
@time for (i, x) in enumerate(xs), (j, y) in enumerate(ys)
inversedistancefield[i, j] = Kriging.inversedistance(permutedims([x y]), X, Z, 2)[1]
inversedistancefield[i, j] = Kriging.inversedistance(permutedims([x y]), X, Z)[1]

fig, ax = PyPlot.subplots()
Expand All @@ -50,6 +77,7 @@ for i = 1:size(X, 2)
ax.plot([X[1, i]], [X[2, i]], "r.", ms=10)
PyPlot.title("Inverse distance")
display(fig); println()
Expand All @@ -61,19 +89,45 @@ for (i, x) in enumerate(xs), (j, y) in enumerate(ys)
x0mat[2, k] = y
global k += 1
@time z0 = Kriging.condsim(x0mat, X, Z, covfun, 20, length(Z); neighborsearch=50)
@time z0 = Kriging.interpolate_neighborhood(x0mat, X, Z, covfun, 20; neighborsearch=50, interpolate=Kriging.inversedistance, pow=2)
inversedistance_neighborhood_field = Array{Float64}(undef, length(xs), length(ys))
global k = 1
for (i, x) in enumerate(xs), (j, y) in enumerate(ys)
inversedistance_neighborhood_field[i, j] = z0[k]
global k += 1
fig, ax = PyPlot.subplots()
cax = ax.imshow(permutedims(inversedistance_neighborhood_field), extent=[0, 10, 0, 10], origin="lower")
for i = 1:size(X, 2)
ax.plot([X[1, i]], [X[2, i]], "r.", ms=10)
PyPlot.title("Inverse distance neighborhood")
display(fig); println()

x0mat = Array{Float64}(undef, 2, length(xs) * length(ys))
global k = 1
for (i, x) in enumerate(xs), (j, y) in enumerate(ys)
x0mat[1, k] = x
x0mat[2, k] = y
global k += 1
@time z0 = Kriging.condsim(x0mat, X, Z, covfun, 20; neighborsearch=50)
condsimfield = Array{Float64}(undef, length(xs), length(ys))
k = 1
global k = 1
for (i, x) in enumerate(xs), (j, y) in enumerate(ys)
condsimfield[i, j] = z0[k]
k += 1
global k += 1
fig, ax = PyPlot.subplots()
cax = ax.imshow(permutedims(condsimfield), extent=[0, 10, 0, 10], origin="lower")
for i = 1:size(X, 2)
ax.plot([X[1, i]], [X[2, i]], "r.", ms=10)
PyPlot.title("Conditional Gaussian simulation")
display(fig); println()
Binary file added examples/inversedistance.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added examples/inversedistance_neighborhood.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file modified examples/kriging.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added examples/kriging_neighborhood.pdf
Binary file not shown.
91 changes: 69 additions & 22 deletions src/Kriging.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,14 @@ function distsquared(a::AbstractArray, b::AbstractArray)
return result

function inversedistance(x0mat::AbstractMatrix, X::AbstractMatrix, Z::AbstractVector, pow::Number; cutoff::Number=0)
function inversedistance(x0mat::AbstractMatrix, X::AbstractMatrix, Z::AbstractVector, f::Function; pow::Number=2, cutoff::Number=0)
v = inversedistance(x0mat, X, Z, pow; cutoff=cutoff)
return v, []

function inversedistance(x0mat::AbstractMatrix, X::AbstractMatrix, Z::AbstractVector, pow::Number=2; cutoff::Number=0)
@assert size(X, 2) == length(Z) "Number of data points ($(size(X, 2))) and observations ($(length(Z))) do not match!"
@assert size(x0mat, 1) == size(X, 1) "Dimensions of data points ($(size(x0mat, 1))) and observations ($(size(X, 1))) do not match!"
iz = .!isnan.(Z)
Xn = X[:,iz]
result = Array{Float64}(undef, size(x0mat, 2))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -163,6 +170,8 @@ Returns:
- kriging estimates at `x0mat`
function simplekrige(mu, x0mat::AbstractMatrix, X::AbstractMatrix, Z::AbstractVector, cov::Function)
@assert size(X, 2) == length(Z) "Number of data points ($(size(X, 2))) and observations ($(length(Z))) do not match!"
@assert size(x0mat, 1) == size(X, 1) "Dimensions of data points ($(size(x0mat, 1))) and observations ($(size(X, 1))) do not match!"
result = fill(mu, size(x0mat, 2))
resultvariance = fill(cov(0), size(x0mat, 2))
covmat = getcovmat(X, cov)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -212,30 +221,33 @@ Returns:
- variance estimates at `x0mat`
function krigevariance(x0mat::AbstractMatrix, X::AbstractMatrix, Z::AbstractVector, cov::Function; minwindow::Union{AbstractVector,Nothing}=nothing, maxwindow::Union{AbstractVector,Nothing}=nothing)
if size(X, 2) != length(Z)
error("Number of data points ($(size(X, 2))) and observations ($(length(Z))) do not match!")
@assert size(X, 2) == length(Z) "Number of data points ($(size(X, 2))) and observations ($(length(Z))) do not match!"
@assert size(x0mat, 1) == size(X, 1) "Dimensions of data points ($(size(x0mat, 1))) and observations ($(size(X, 1))) do not match!"
result = zeros(size(x0mat, 2))
resultvariance = fill(cov(0), size(x0mat, 2))
if minwindow != nothing && maxwindow != nothing
if length(minwindow) != size(X, 1) || length(maxwindow) != size(X, 1)
error("minwindow and maxwindow must have the same length as the number of dimensions of the data!")
@error("minwindow and maxwindow must have the same length as the number of dimensions of the data!")
result = fill(NaN, size(x0mat, 2))
return result, resultvariance
if any(minwindow .> maxwindow)
error("minwindow must be less than or equal to maxwindow!")
@error("minwindow must be less than or equal to maxwindow!")
result = fill(NaN, size(x0mat, 2))
return result, resultvariance
mask = vec(all(minwindow .< X .< maxwindow; dims=1))
X = X[:, mask]
Z = Z[mask]
result = zeros(size(x0mat, 2))
resultvariance = fill(cov(0), size(x0mat, 2))

covmat = getcovmat(X, cov)
bigmat = [covmat ones(size(X, 2)); ones(size(X, 2))' 0.]
ws = Array{Float64}(undef, size(x0mat, 2))
bigvec = Array{Float64}(undef, size(X, 2) + 1)
bigmat = [covmat ones(size(X, 2)); permutedims(ones(size(X, 2))) 0.]
bigvec = Vector{Float64}(undef, size(X, 2) + 1)
bigvec[end] = 1
bigmatpinv = LinearAlgebra.pinv(bigmat)
covvec = Array{Float64}(undef, size(X, 2))
x = Array{Float64}(undef, size(X, 2) + 1)
covvec = Vector{Float64}(undef, size(X, 2))
x = Vector{Float64}(undef, size(X, 2) + 1)
for i = 1:size(x0mat, 2)
bigvec[1:end-1] = getcovvec!(covvec, x0mat[:, i], X, cov)
bigvec[end] = 1
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -263,22 +275,21 @@ Returns:
- conditional estimates at `x0mat`
function condsim(x0mat::AbstractMatrix, X::AbstractMatrix, Z::AbstractVector, cov::Function, numneighbors, numobsneighbors=length(Z); neighborsearch=min(1000, size(x0mat, 2)))
kdtree = NearestNeighbors.KDTree(x0mat)
nnindices, _ = NearestNeighbors.knn(kdtree, x0mat, neighborsearch, true)
obs_kdtree = NearestNeighbors.KDTree(convert.(Float64, X))
nnindices_obs, _ = NearestNeighbors.knn(obs_kdtree, x0mat, numobsneighbors, true)
z0 = Array{Float64}(undef, size(x0mat, 2))
function condsim(x0mat::AbstractMatrix, X::AbstractMatrix, Z::AbstractVector, cov::Function, numneighbors, numobsneighbors=min(1000, size(X, 2)); neighborsearch=min(1000, size(x0mat, 2)))
@assert size(X, 2) == length(Z) "Number of data points ($(size(X, 2))) and observations ($(length(Z))) do not match!"
@assert size(x0mat, 1) == size(X, 1) "Dimensions of data points ($(size(x0mat, 1))) and observations ($(size(X, 1))) do not match!"
nnindices, nnindices_obs = kdtree_indices(x0mat, X; neighborsearch=neighborsearch, numobsneighbors=numobsneighbors)
z0 = Vector{Float64}(undef, size(x0mat, 2))
filledin = fill(false, size(x0mat, 2))
perm = Random.randperm(size(x0mat, 2))
maxvar = 0.
for i = 1:size(x0mat, 2)
thisx0 = reshape(x0mat[:, perm[i]], size(x0mat, 1), 1)
neighbors = nnindices[perm[i]]
obs_neighbors = nnindices_obs[perm[i]]
numfilled = sum(filledin[neighbors])
bigX = Array{Float64}(undef, size(x0mat, 1), min(numneighbors, numfilled) + numobsneighbors)
bigZ = Array{Float64}(undef, min(numneighbors, numfilled) + numobsneighbors)
obs_size = min(numneighbors, numfilled) + numobsneighbors
bigX = Matrix{Float64}(undef, size(x0mat, 1), obs_size)
bigZ = Vector{Float64}(undef, obs_size)
bigX[:, 1:numobsneighbors] = X[:, obs_neighbors]
bigZ[1:numobsneighbors] = Z[obs_neighbors]
bigXcount = numobsneighbors + 1
Expand All @@ -298,6 +309,42 @@ function condsim(x0mat::AbstractMatrix, X::AbstractMatrix, Z::AbstractVector, co
return z0

function interpolate_neighborhood(x0mat::AbstractMatrix, X::AbstractMatrix, Z::AbstractVector, cov::Function, numneighbors, numobsneighbors=min(1000, size(X, 2)); neighborsearch=min(1000, size(x0mat, 2)), interpolate=krigevariance, return_variance::Bool=false, kw...)
@assert size(X, 2) == length(Z) "Number of data points ($(size(X, 2))) and observations ($(length(Z))) do not match!"
@assert size(x0mat, 1) == size(X, 1) "Dimensions of data points ($(size(x0mat, 1))) and observations ($(size(X, 1))) do not match!"
_, nnindices_obs = kdtree_indices(x0mat, X; neighborsearch=neighborsearch, numobsneighbors=numobsneighbors)
z0 = Vector{Float64}(undef, size(x0mat, 2))
if return_variance
var0 = Vector{Float64}(undef, size(x0mat, 2))
for i = 1:size(x0mat, 2)
obs_neighbors = nnindices_obs[i]
mu, var = interpolate(reshape(x0mat[:, i], size(x0mat, 1), 1), X[:, obs_neighbors], Z[obs_neighbors], cov; kw...)
z0[i] = mu[1]
if return_variance
var0[i] = var[1]
if return_variance
return z0, var0
return z0

function kdtree_indices(x0mat::AbstractMatrix{T}, X::AbstractMatrix=Matrix{T}(undef, 0, 0); neighborsearch=min(1000, size(x0mat, 2)), numobsneighbors=min(1000, size(X, 2))) where T <: Real
kdtree = NearestNeighbors.KDTree(x0mat)
nnindices, _ = NearestNeighbors.knn(kdtree, x0mat, neighborsearch, true)
if numobsneighbors > 0 && size(X, 2) > 0
@assert size(x0mat, 1) == size(X, 1) "Dimensions of data points ($(size(x0mat, 1))) and observations ($(size(X, 1))) do not match!"
obs_kdtree = NearestNeighbors.KDTree(X)
nnindices_obs, _ = NearestNeighbors.knn(obs_kdtree, x0mat, numobsneighbors, true)
return nnindices, nnindices_obs
return nnindices, []

Get spatial covariance matrix
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