Simple and easy API that converts absolute to relative layout without autolayout. ☀️
MGRelativekit uses the method chaining pattern to add view layouts.
It is recommended to use the 'apply' method for perfomance.
- Example 1
.size(width: 100, height: 100)
.alignSuperTop(padding: 100)
.size(width: 100, height: 100)
.alignSuperRight(padding: 40)
.alignSuperBottom(padding: 40)
- Example 2
.size(width: 100, height: 100)
.sizeOf(from: view1)
.topOf(from: view1)
.alignLeft(from: view1, padding: 30)
- Example 3
.size(width: 200, height: 200)
.sizeOf(from: view1, margin: -100)
.centerOf(from: view1)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Position the current view to the left of the relative view.
func leftOf(from: UIView, margin: CGFloat = 0)
// Position the current view to the right of the relative view.
func rightOf(from: UIView, margin: CGFloat = 0)
// Position the current view to the top of the relative view.
func topOf(from: UIView, margin: CGFloat = 0)
// Position the current view to the bottom of the relative view.
func bottomOf(from: UIView, margin: CGFloat = 0)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Position the current view to the horizontal center of the relative view.
func centerHorizontalOf(from: UIView)
// Position the current view to the vertical center of the relative view.
func centerVerticalOf(from: UIView)
// Position the current view to the center of the relative view.
func centerOf(from: UIView)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Position the current view to the left edge of the relative view.
func alignLeft(from: UIView, padding: CGFloat = 0)
// Position the current view to the right edge of the relative view.
func alignRight(from: UIView, padding: CGFloat = 0)
// Position the current view to the top edge of the relative view.
func alignTop(from: UIView, padding: CGFloat = 0)
// Position the current view to the bottom edge of the relative view.
func alignBottom(from: UIView, padding: CGFloat = 0)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Position the current view to the left edge of the super view.
func alignSuperLeft(padding: CGFloat = 0)
// Position the current view to the right edge of the super view.
func alignSuperRight(padding: CGFloat = 0)
// Position the current view to the top edge of the super view.
func alignSuperTop(padding: CGFloat = 0)
// Position the current view to the bottom edge of the super view.
func alignSuperBottom(padding: CGFloat = 0)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Position the current view to the horizontal center of the super view.
func centerHorizontalSuper()
// Position the current view to the vertical center of the super view.
func centerVerticalSuper()
// Position the current view to the center of the super view.
func centerInSuper()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Apply the same size as the super view.
func sizeOfSuper(margin: CGFloat = 0)
// Apply the same size as the relative view.
func sizeOf(from: UIView, margin: CGFloat = 0)
// Apply custom size to the current view.
func size(width: CGFloat, height: CGFloat)
// Apply the same width size as the super view.
func widthOfSuper()
// Apply the same width size as the relative view.
func widthOf(from: UIView)
// Apply custom width size to the current view.
func width(_ width: CGFloat)
// Apply the same height size as the super view.
func heightOfSuper()
// Apply the same height size as the relative view.
func heightOf(from: UIView)
// Apply custom height size to the current view.
func height(_ height: CGFloat)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Finalize the changed layout to the current view.
func apply()
- Swift 3.0+
- Xcode 8.0+
- iOS 8.0+
- For iOS 8+ projects with CocoaPods:
pod 'MGRelativeKit'
- For iOS 8+ projects with Carthage:
github "magi82/MGRelativeKit"
magi82, [email protected]
MGRelativeKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.