Get a native "back" button icon (chevron) in a presented view controller.
Install with Cocoapods:
pod 'UIViewController+BackButtonHandler',
:git => '[email protected]:mango-chutney/UIViewController-BackButtonHandler.git',
:branch => 'cocoapods'
If you're using Swift, you're also going to need a bridging header:
// BridgingHeader.h
#ifndef BridgingHeader_h
#define BridgingHeader_h
#import <UIViewController+BackButtonHandler/UIViewController+BackButtonHandler.h>
#endif /* BridgingHeader_h */
Then you can do something like this:
let myViewController = UIViewController()
let myNavigationViewController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: UIViewController())
climbNavigationViewController.pushViewController(myViewController, animated: true)
presentViewController(myNavigationViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)
And in myViewController
, create a function navigationShouldPopOnBackButton() -> Bool
func navigationShouldPopOnBackButton() -> Bool {
self.navigationController?.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion: nil)
return false
If you also want to get rid of or overwrite the text for the back button,
consider subclassing the view controller which will be passed as
// PresentedViewControllerWrapper.swift
import UIKit
class PresentedViewControllerWrapper: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
// override back bar button text (what it would say under the back butto for the next view controller on the stack)
self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = UIBarButtonItem(title: "", style: .Plain, target: nil, action: nil)