Capability to retrieve, add and remove consents to a minor
- Introduction
- Objective
- Tech & Specifications
- Error TRacking
- Security
- Local setup
- This API can be used to add\retrieve\remove minor consents. Any major through any app which has "consent" scope, can add\retrieve\remove the consent
- To retrieve the list of all consents the client application should have the consent-admin scope
- It uses a Postgres database to record the consents and exposes the services through REST
- The security aspect is maintained with help of api-token generated through keycloak server
- As per the business requirement a minor who have the consents from their parents (existing clients), can register himself\herself on different apps
- So the registration process needs to verify the consent of the minor
- Language: Java 1.8
- Java EE: Jakarta 8
- Runtime: IBM Websphere Liberty
- Features:
- jaxrs-2.1
- mpConfig-1.4
- mpMetrics-2.3
- mpHealth-2.2
- beanValidation-2.0
- mpJwt-1.1
- ejbLite-3.2
- concurrent-1.0
- jsonb-1.0
- Application makes use of a thread local variable (reference variable), which is returned in the response if any error occurs.
- Which can be grep'ed in the log file (messages.log) for the whole processing upto the error point, right from the point when request enters into the system
System uses TLSv1.2
All the endpoints are secured using api-token (jwt)
- JDK 1.8+
- Maven 3+
- Docker runtime
Step 1: Clone the repository
> git clone
Step 2: Start postgres & keycloak containers
> cd minor-consent
> docker-compose up
Step 3: Create test realm, text client, consent & consent-admin scopes by using the
- Login to admin console on https://localhost:8443/auth/admin
- hover on "Master" and click on "Add realm"
- On the right section, click on select file and choose the config from src/main/resources/keycloakConfig.json
- Once realm creation is done, select the test realm, click on "Clients" from the left pane, click on client ID "test", select the tab "Credentials" and click on "Regenerate Secret" and copy the new generated secret
Step 4: Update application use the new secret
- Update the CLIENT_SECRET field in src/main/java/tum/ret/rity/minor/consent/constants/ to have the value copied in previous step
Step 5: Start the server
> mvn clean liberty:dev
Step 6: Ran the test
- As the application is running in dev mode, the tests can be run on demand by pressing enter on console
Access admin console as https://localhost:8443/auth/admin username: admin password: admin
curl --location --request POST 'https://localhost:8443/auth/realms/test/protocol/openid-connect/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'client_id=test' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
--data-urlencode 'client_secret=<YOUR_GENERATED_SECRET>' \
--data-urlencode 'scope=consent-admin'
Access the url http://localhost:8081 and enter following details
- System: PostgreSQL
- Server: db
- Username: postgres
- Password: password
In the left pane, select DB as MRT_CONSENT and Schema as minor_consent_schema