Building the JavasScript code to control dynamically the contents of the basic HTML and CSS
1- HTML basic code had 3 section nodes, I added 2 more.
2- No changes performed on the basic CSS code
Using selector through all sections through the tag
then determining the navbar location inside ul
after that started the creation of the navbar elements (li, a) and adding event listener to the elements to scroll the view port to the corresponding section
sections.forEach((section, index) => {
//create li element
let li = document.createElement('li');
//create a element
let a_Attribute = document.createElement('a');
//create addEventListener
a_Attribute.addEventListener("click", ()=>{
section.scrollIntoView({behavior: 'smooth'});
//collect the attribute data-nav of each section
let link = section.getAttribute('data-nav');
//add the name of the section as text to the node through document.createTextNode()
let nodeText = document.createTextNode(link);
//widen the padding of each a = '1em';
The CSS code had styling for menu__link class, so I attached the class to the that is corresponding to the section in the view port
//add class to the a in first li
in the end it was the creation of the logic of adding the event listener to each section while in the view port (>0 && <200) to add a class= "your-active-class", and remove the same class from all other sections using iteration and to do the same to the corresponding nevbar targets using class = "menu__link" to follow the section in the view port
window.addEventListener('scroll', ()=>{
//Iterate through the sections
sections.forEach((s, index) => {
//Get each section location in the view port
const rect = s.getBoundingClientRect();
if( > 0 && < 200){
//Remove class "your-active-class" from all sections through iteration
sections.forEach((active_s, i) => {
//add class "your-active-class" to the section in the view port > 0 and <200
let targetList = document.querySelector('.your-active-class');
let sectionLinkingToNav = targetList.getAttribute('data-nav');
//iterate to remove all menu__link class from all a except
//for the one with the innerHTML = same section
all_a.forEach((a_tag) => {
if(sectionLinkingToNav === a_tag.innerHTML){