= provide some functions for kodi xml skins
NOTE: i am still learning py and cross xbmc usecases
action | param1 key1=value1 |
param2 key2=value2 |
example | description |
checkexist | [required] file='"a file-, or directory- path"' |
[optional] property=choose name for your property |
RunScript(script.swan.helper,action=checkexist,file='"$VAR[extrasLocation_lookup]"',property=propertyname) RunScript(script.swan.helper,action=checkexist,file='"$VAR[extrasLocation_lookup]"') |
check for existence of a specific file or folder when lookup succeed: !String.IsEmpty(Window(home).Property(propertyname)) will be True or when propertyname is ommitted !String.IsEmpty(Window(home).Property(filesearch_result)) will be True |
get_trailer | [required] fp='an filepath to check for a local trailer' |
[optional] play=True or play=Skin.HasSetting(whatever_when true it'll play the trailer) get_cast=True |
RunScript(script.swan.helper,action=get_trailer,fp='$ESCINFO[container.listitem.path]') optional you can perform a windowed playback, when use play=True as parameter : RunScript(script.swan.helper,action=get_trailer,fp='$ESCINFO[container.listitem.path],play=True') |
first lookup if local trailer exist if not check for listitem.trailer, if listitem trailer empty than perform a youtube* lookup in any case,if a video is found it store its url as 'window(home).property(listitemtrailer)' infolabel * youtube lookup will just performed if Skin.HasSetting(trailer_yt_fallback) is True |
force_musicvideos | RunScript(script.swan.helper,action=force_musicvideos) | navigates in videos window and list musicvideos of an artist ( using 'container().listItem.artist' ) for the lookup if no musicvideos found in the local db it will lookup via youtube plugin use ' container().listItem.artist' official musicvideos' as the query |
encode | [required] string='"Büllebü & Bülleba, or other String to encode"' |
[optional] property=choose name for your property |
RunScript(script.swan.helper,action=encode,string='"$VAR[EncodeTitle]"',property=videoinfo_encoded_title) RunScript(script.swan.helper,action=encode,string='"$VAR[EncodeTitle]"') |
encode a string given by an param to an percent encoded string which can then be used via: $INFO[window(home).Property(paramvalue2)] or if param 2 is omitted the result can be returned via $INFO[window(home).Property(encoded_string)] |
playlist_playoffset | RunScript(script.swan.helper,action=playlist_playoffset) | used to play specific item when current container is filled by either playlistmusic:// or playlistvideo:// will need skin integration as container refresh (without reload.skin() or activate playlistwindow )is a bit cumbersome use string.isempty(window(home).property(playlist_updating))" to evalute show playlistmusic:// to true |
select | RunScript(script.swan.helper,action=select) | will play specific item or folder, without clearing the current playlist default = add item or folder to playlist and start play immediatly if skin.hassetting([dbtype]_select_queue) it will just queue the [dbtype]item to next position in playlist skinsetting possibilitys: Skin.ToggleSetting(song_select_queue) Skin.ToggleSetting(album_select_queue) Skin.ToggleSetting(genre_select_queue) Skin.ToggleSetting(year_select_queue) Skin.ToggleSetting(musicvideo_select_queue) |
textviewer | [required] header='"I will be The Header"' |
[required] text='"i am the text below the header, you know"' |
RunScript(script.swan.helper,action=textviewer,header='"$VAR[ArtistOrTitle]"',text='"$VAR[plot]"') RunScript(script.swan.helper,action=textviewer,header='$ESCINFO[ListItem.Title]',text='$ESCINFO[ListItem.Plot]"') |
opens the textviewer dialog |
queue the current focused item to either last or next playlistposition - if not in a media window for custom dynamic content containers
move playlistitems up/down or remove playlistitem from playlist - when use a dynamic container filled with currently playing playlist (playlistmusic:// ; playlistvideo://)
to indicate if a container is used for playlist content you'll need to set a property (playlist_itemcontrol) in the skin so the contextitem for switch playlist items : is just visible if
<control type="panel" id="12345"> <description>dynamic container provide playlistcontent</description> <onfocus>SetProperty(playlist_itemcontrol,enable,home)</onfocus> <onunfocus>ClearProperty(playlist_itemcontrol,home)</onunfocus> .. <content>$VAR[playlistmusic]</content> </control> <variable name="playlistmusic"> <value condition="string.isempty(window(home).property(playlist))">playlistmusic://</value> <value>-</value> </variable>
the custom container for playlist wont refresh properly till window reload or open playlistwindow, therefore using a variable to toggle between visible states to force a proper refresh n your skin
the script set a window property ''setproperty(playlist,update,home)'' when do queue,delete or switch functions, which can then be used to refresh the container content by using a variable
save currently active playlist : just activates window and send click to control 21 (save button) and set a window property ''setproperty(addon_forcedaction,back,home)'' example
if you dont wanna move back manually just add following onunload commands to 'dialogkeyboard.xml'
<onunload condition="String.IsEqual(Window(home).Property(addon_forcedaction),back)">Action(back)</onunload> <onunload condition="!String.IsEmpty(Window(home).Property(addon_forcedaction))">ClearProperty(addon_forcedaction,home)</onunload>
activate playlist window
activate the playercontrols dialog
play all songs by artis
if either media window and on '. all albums' listitem entry, or if not media window for artist or album items (clears playlist, and start plaing folder)
- hide items based upon addon setting
- playlist save code - look at docs
- get better diff of current playlist by getting an identifyer - look at docs/jsonrpc get.playlistidentifyer? ( currently just checks if a video is playing, no matter which playlist id is active (its absolutely possible to have video files within a active music playlist, even if rare case))