- Fastqc - script like
but for untrimmed files - Use
to remove adapters and filter based on quality qc.sh
- check quality, if adapters were removed
- create an index file for starmap_array.sh
- map reads to referencesamtools stats
qc of bam files to check the quality of mapping
- get counts of reads mapped to reference genes
- script for differential analysis using DEseq2 with firther pathways analysis.
export curdir=/path/to/this/repo export raw=$curdir/raw
Downstream bcr analysis is saved in https://github.com/mariamurach/bcr_R and uses output files from bcr_analysis.R
Paths in the code files were anonymized and might require editing to fit users file stracture
This pipeline uses code https://github.com/liulab-dfci/RIMA_pipeline to retrive CDR3 information and to concatenate bcr files from TRUST4 output.