Shellcode loader using Freeze for NTDLL unhooking and EarlyBird APC Queue for shellcode execution. The new process gets then unhooked by remotely overwritting its old NTDLL .text section (Frozen regression).
participant V as Vast
participant T as Windows Signed PE
V->>T: Create suspended process with <br>BLOCK_NON_MICROSOFT_BINARIES
opt Freeze NTDLL unhooking
V-->>+V: PEB walk and get NTDLL .text address
T->>V: Get remote NTDLL .text section
V-->>-V: Overwrite local NTDLL .text section<br>Patch ETW (NtTraceControl)
V-->>T: Allocate & Protect remote memory
V->>T: QueueApc Thread + NtResumeThread + <br> DebugActiveProcess
note over T: Shellcode gets executed<br>with Vast as a debugger
T-->>V: Int3 in first shellcode byte creates exception
V->>T: Overwrite remote NTDLL .text section<br>with unhooked one & continue execution
note right of T: New process hooks<br>get unhooked now