- Downloading pdfs from Arxiv.
- PDF to txt conversion.
- Word2Vec preprocessing and training.
- Network graphing informational distance.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
npm install vis
chmod a+rx examples/launch.sh
Refresh the site.
Graph zoom sample:
Arxiv quantitative finance categories:
'CP': 'red', 'EC': 'blue', 'GN': 'green', 'MF': 'grey', 'PM': 'black', 'PR': 'yellow','RM': 'violet', 'ST': 'orange', 'TR': 'pink'
CP - Computational Finance
EC - Economics
GN - General Finance
MF - Mathematical Finance
PM - Portfolio Management
PR - Pricing of Securities
RM - Risk Management
ST - Statistical Finance
TR - Trading and Market Microstructure