There are missing CCIP lanes available between select EVM chains
How can we unlock interoperability between chains where no lane currently exists ?
How can we optimize CCIP lane costs and find the cheapest path between 2 chains ?
Introducing 'Virtual Hops' the one-stop solution for creating virtual CCIP lanes to interconnect EVM chains with ease.
Create a bouncer contract in between source and destination chains, using 2 existing CCIP Lanes.
Example : BASE Goerli -> AVAX Fuji via ETH Goerli
Frontend : cd frontend && npm install
Foundry : Installation Guide
forge test
forge coverage
forge script script/VirtualHop.s.sol:VirtualHopScript --private-key $PRIVATE_KEY --rpc-url $RPC_URL --broadcast
error: a value is required for '--private-key <RAW_PRIVATE_KEY>' but none was supplied
How to Fix :
source .env