This simulator is the effect of engineering thesis.
g++ main.cpp -lGL -lGLEW -lglfw -ltbb -lSOIL -o nbody
Parameter | Default | Description |
-n | 600 | Number of particles |
-m | 0.01 | Mass of particles |
-r | 1.0 0.3 0.1 | Color of particles |
-l | 0 | Initial position mode |
-c | 1 | Computing mode |
-d | 800 600 | Window width & height |
-f | - | Fullscreen mode |
-h | - | Print help |
Action | Effect |
Move | Change orientation of the camera |
Scrolling | Change field of view |
Key | Effect |
W | Move the camera forward |
S | Move the camera backward |
A | Move the camera left |
D | Move the camera right |
SPACE | New particles |
Z | Spherical mode |
X | Gauss mode |
C | Cubic mode |
F1 | Sequential computing mode |
F2 | Parallel computing mode |
Q | Decrease the mass of particles |
E | Increase the mass of particles |
I | Print info |
ESC | Close simulator |