Here is a simple node.js web application along with the required yaml files for deploying it to a Kind Kubernetes cluster. I am using Docker Hub to publish the sample app image and pulling it for all future deployments in my Kind Kubernetes cluster.
docker build -t mywebapp:v1.0.0 -f DockerFile .
docker scout quickview
- docker logout
- docker login -u <<DOCKER_HUB_USER_NAME>>
- docker tag mywebapp:v1.0.0 <<DOCKER_HUB_USER_NAME>>/mywebapp:latest
- docker push <<DOCKER_HUB_USER_NAME>>/mywebapp
- replace the <<DOCKER_HUB_USER_NAME>> with your Docker Hub User Name
- similar steps for Amazon ECR (Elastic Container Registry)
- final image is available at
- kind create cluster -n mywebapp-demo
- kubectl apply -f k8s/mywebapp.yaml
- kubectl -n staging port-forward svc/mywebapp 8080:8080
- curl -XGET http://localhost
- curl -XGET http://localhost/hi
- curl -XGET http://localhost/hello
I hope this will be helpful for someone starting their K8s journey! Cheers,