- spawn NPCs
- NPC movement
- set destination(s)
- automatic cycling of detinations once reached
- trail of last positions
- collision of "protagonist" with NPCs
- camera shake effect to emphesis event
- adjustment to length of "protagonists" trail after collision
- spawn 10 npc
- set npc movement to go back and forth between 2 destinations
- allow movement
- setable destination
- setable secondary destination
- toggle 1st, 2nd destinations
- debug destinations as objects tend to get stuck at the start or at a destination
- allow npc to cycle through a list of destinations
- add trail of previous locations
- consider collisions
- despawn an object
- add screen shake on impact with protagonist
- visual effects class
- consider the possibility of subclassing entity to make a effemeral object for visual effects
- collision refinement
- don't consider collision if the colliding objects are not on the same parallax value.
- allow bullet time for a "hero" entity
- allow bullet time to affect a list of entities
- allow scallable magnitude for the bullet effect
- refactor code # its getting messy