This is the Web based application for the Real Time Currency Converter, which allows you to convert currency to other currencies.
Q. Why i called it real time ?
--> Because, currency exchange rate's are dynamic and get constatntly fluctuate due to the fact that a currency's value is determined by a variety of factors in the country
click here to see it live
Website is user friendly as usability is one of the most important aspect.
User simply need to fill the details required to convert their currency into other
- Source currency code
- Targer currency code
- Amount to convert
Programming language used is Python 🐍 I wanted to make it lightweight hence i decided to go with Flask rather than Django
Let me explain whole cycle
- User first provides data which is needed to be convert
- Backend receives this data and processes it and converts into currency that user want
As already stated currency conversion is real time problem i.e currency exchange rate's are dynamic and get constatntly fluctuate due to the fact that a currency's value is determined by a variety of factors in the country.
Hence we can not directly use some constants value to display results .
i made function that fetches current exchange rate for currencies asked by user, and once we have that exchange rate , we can simply display result to user by multiplying that rate with amount provided by the user!
I also have developed command line app for the same, if you are interested then click here to check its Github repository.
I am passionate about digging into technologies that have potential to make change in the society . hence i am very excited about full stack development and computer vision field as i believe world is coming online and AI revolution is about to heat the world!
Let me showcase some of my work in the context of computer vision.
- Face mask detector
- Sharpener detector
- Biscuit detector
All the models i made have some real life application in industry
My models stand's out since I did not utilise a large amount of data to train them. For the biscuit detector, I used 20 images, and for the face mask, I did not use any real images.
My biscuit detector stands out because it recognises excellent biscuits on the conveyor belt and intelligently discards defective ones; for more information, click here!
In consideration with development, let me highlight some of my work
- E-commerce website
- Result publishing portal
- Currency Converter