[SDK-4423] - Add new submodule MEGASharedRepo to iOS Jenkins
[SDK-4414] - Add Android bindings for "moveOrRemoveDeconfiguredBackupNodes" method
[SDK-4409] - Jenkinsfile issue when parsing branch name
[SDK-4395] - Qt bindings: QTMegaApiManager: expose constructor with gfx provider
[SDK-4383] - Android bindings - Add new getFlag method
[SDK-4352] - Add megautils file
[SDK-4322] - Investigate SdkTest.SdkTestVPN test failure
[SDK-4256] - Create PHP bindings with CMake+SWIG
[SDK-4255] - Create Python bindings with CMake+SWIG
[SDK-4406] - Creating VPN account with megacli crashes the app
[SDK-2552] - [SAT] Resolve sync transfers that fail over and over
[SDK-1610] - Fix corner cases for File Attribute attachment to uploads
[SDK-4397] - Make Slack channel to ask for MR approvals configurable when creating a release
[SDK-4373] - Add new user attribute to determine if Welcome PDF has to be copied into Cloud drive
[SDK-4350] - [SAO] Search query with or without an accent
[SDK-4286] - Handle user attributes in generic storage and structures
[SDK-4277] - Build SDK periodically for All Platforms (Linux part)
Target apps
Android 14.6
iOS 16.1
PWM Android 1.0 RC2 + iOS 1.0 RC2
MEGAproxy 2.1.0
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