[SDK-4573] - Replace GetOverlappedResultEx to support Windows 7
[SDK-4470] - Implement nightly build for Android
[SDK-4318] - Update vpnp/vpng/vpnr commands to v4
[SDK-4310] - Avoid useless notifications for user attributes
[SDK-3453] - Support API v3 for command "upv"
[SDK-4563] - Add Objective-C++ binding for enableRequestStatusMonitor
[SDK-4531] - iOS Binding for show account’s tags in Add Tags Screen.
[SDK-4463] - iOS Binding - Fetching Node Tags
[SDK-4530] - Fix dangling pointer in cron library replace_ordinals function
[SDK-4525] - MegaPricingPrivate class getters does not returns the expected values
[SDK-4512] - Fix typo in variable name
[SDK-4469] - OPEN_SHARE_DIALOG request got stuck in MEGAcmd tests
[SDK-4418] - [SAT] Local files not deleted from cache after upload request
[SDK-4349] - Fix build issue in Raspberry Pi OS Lite (Debian 11/12)
[SDK-4529] - Create templates for GitHub issues
[SDK-4507] - Move cmake directory under root directory
[SDK-4497] - Delete old C++ style checkers and formatters
[SDK-4495] - Remove obsolete Eclipse project files
[SDK-4494] - Delete obsolete scripts to build ffmpeg and pdfium
[SDK-4493] - Delete Java bindings for Visual Studio 2015
[SDK-3933] - Abstract parameters of MegaRequestPrivate::addProduct
[SDK-3857] - Code refactoring: change member function to non-virtual private
[SDK-2990] - Static analyser issues in DelegateMEGALoggerListener
[SDK-4514] - Hashcash support
[SDK-4492] - Support Visual Studio 2022
[SDK-4459] - Create Jenkins pipeline that runs programmatically scripts to report Jira issues with missing fieldsEditAdd commentAssignMoreIn ProgressShare this issueExport
[SDK-4384] - [PP] Add multiple banner render modes
[SDK-4313] - [PP] Multiple options cancellation survey
[SDK-4095] - [SAT] User feedback survey for transfers (III): adapt public interface methods to send the user feedback after manual action
[SDK-4094] - [SAT] User feedback survey for transfers (I): implement methods to send the data to the API
[SDK-3753] - [SAT] Streaming raided transfers should first try the unused source instead of retrying the whole transfer upon a request failure
[SDK-4484] - Enable and fix sign-conversion warning for GFX integration tests CMake target in Clang
[SDK-4483] - Enable and fix sign-conversion warning for GFX worker tools CMake target in Clang
[SDK-4482] - Enable and fix sign-conversion warning for unit tests CMake target in Clang
[SDK-4481] - Enable and fix sign-conversion warning for integration tests CMake target in Clang
[SDK-4480] - Enable and fix sign-conversion warning for examples CMake target in Clang
[SDK-4369] - Enable and fix unused-variable warning for all the CMake targets in Clang
[SDK-4367] - Enable and fix unused-private-field warning for all the CMake targets in Clang
[SDK-4366] - Enable and fix unused-lambda-capture warning for all the CMake targets in Clang
[SDK-4361] - Enable and fix overloaded-virtual warning for all the CMake targets in Clang
[SDK-4360] - Enable and fix inconsistent-missing-override warning for all the CMake targets in Clang
[SDK-2103] - Enable and fix implicit-int-conversion warning for all the CMake targets in Clang
Target apps
Android 14.8
iOS 16.3
PWM iOS 1.1
PWM Android 1.1
MEGASync 5.7.0 RC1
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