HyperNet: Self-Supervised Hyperspectral SpatialSpectral Feature Understanding Network for Hyperspectral Change Detection
Pytorch implementation of TGRS paper "HyperNet: Self-Supervised Hyperspectral SpatialSpectral Feature Understanding Network for Hyperspectral Change Detection"
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@ARTICLE{9934933, author={Hu, Meiqi and Wu, Chen and Zhang, Liangpei}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing}, title={HyperNet: Self-Supervised Hyperspectral Spatial–Spectral Feature Understanding Network for Hyperspectral Change Detection}, year={2022}, volume={60}, number={}, pages={1-17}, doi={10.1109/TGRS.2022.3218795}}
Install Pytorch 1.10.2 with Python 3.6
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num_idx_ex1.mat, num_idx_ex2.mat
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