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ember-cart a rails mountable engine which provides a cart solution for e-commerce sites. It is heavily inspired by rightnow_oms and its front side is created based on ember and ember-data.


ember-cart-example shows how to build a shopping cart in rails application by using ember-cart. The example have been deployed on heroku. Visit the Online Demo.


You just need to add ember-cart to your Gemfile

gem 'ember-cart'

and run bundle install.


Mount ember-cart to your rails application.

  # config/routes.rb
  mount EmberCart::Engine => "ember_cart", as: :ember_cart

Install the migrations of ember-cart:

  rake ember_cart:install:migrations
  rake db:migrate

Now you need to load or create the default carts. To achive this, you just need to add a before filter to your ApplicationController:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  before_filter :load_or_create_carts

The filter load_or_create_carts will create a default cart named 'Default' for you. If you wanna create your owner carts by yourself, you can override create_carts_for(shopper) method and create your carts in it.

create_carts_for must return an array of carts. The parameter shopper represents the current login user.

def create_carts_for(shopper)
    EmberCart::Cart.create(name: 'First Cart', shopper: shopper),
    EmberCart::Cart.create(name: 'Second Cart', shopper: shopper)


ember-cart supports I18n now. By default it only includes two locales: en and zh_CN, but you can create your own locales easily. You just need to define your translations, for example:

  EmberCart.locales.en = { 
    '': 'Total',

    '': 'Name',
    'cart_item.price': 'Price',
    'cart_item.quantity': 'Quantity',
    '': 'Total',

    'currency.unit': '$',
    'buttons.check_cart': 'Check Cart',
    'buttons.delete': 'Delete',
    'buttons.clean_cart': 'Clean Up',
    'buttons.continue_to_shop': 'Continue To Shop',
    'buttons.new_order': 'Submit',

    'titles.cart': 'My Shopping Cart',

    'alerts.saving_cart': 'Cart is saving, please wait...',

    'confirmations.delete_cart_item': 'Are you sure to delete this cart items?',
    'confirmations.clean_up_cart': 'Are you sure to clean up the cart?',

    'labels.shopping_cart': 'Shopping Cart',

    'links.checkout': 'Checkout'


ember-cart is developed with Ruby 1.9.3-p125 and Rails 3.2.3

First of all, you need to create a database config for ember-cart. There are already some useful templates under spec/dummy/config/. ember-cart use MySQL by default. If you want to use other databases, for example PostgreSQL, you need to modify the Gemfile and add the adapters by yourself.

  bundle install

  bundle exec rake app:db:migrate
  bundle exec rake app:db:seed
  bundle exec rake app:db:test:prepare

  bundle exec rspec

  # Start the dummy application
  rails s

ember-cart sets up the front side test env by konacha. it provides two ways to run your js tests.

  • Start up an isolated server to run the tests.

      bundle exec rake app:konacha:serve

    and then open your browser to visit http://localhost:3500

  • Run the tests in the shell.

      bundle exec rake app:konacha:run


This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE.


ember-cart provides a common cart for e-commerce sites.







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