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Releases: metabrainz/musicbrainz-docker


24 Apr 18:19
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Changes about download only

  • Fix a regression when trying to download search index dumps
  • MBVM-64: Resume fetching partially downloaded dumps after a stop-and-start
  • MBVM-89: Add click-through note about signing up for data use

There is no need to update your existing instance if you don’t intend to fetch dumps for database and search indexes this week.

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2023-04-24 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d


17 Apr 20:03
Choose a tag to compare

Deprecation notice

If you did customize the FTP server for downloading dumps, please note that the Docker environment variable MUSICBRAINZ_BASE_FTP_URL is now deprecated. See the updated documentation.

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2023-04-17 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d



21 Mar 09:28
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2023-03-21-hotfix && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d



20 Mar 22:20
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2023-03-20 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d



28 Feb 18:29
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2023-02-28 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d



06 Sep 20:10
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-09-06 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d


  • Upgrade MusicBrainz Server to v-2022-09-06
  • Fix fatal error with renderer in development setup


25 Aug 19:06
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Please ignore this release and the rest of these instructions if:

  • you’re not running a mirror server;
  • or you don’t make use of genre or tag data;
  • or you’ve already done a full re-import of your database after the schema change release;
  • or you've already run the script earlier.

This release brings only one patch to the script which can be used to fix missing genre and tag data on MusicBrainz mirror server. Indeed, a bug (MBS-12508) in the upgrade script of MusicBrainz Server’s latest schema-change release caused aggregate genre and tag data (if you had imported any) to be deleted.

To restore the genre and tag data, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure you’ve replicated up to the most recent replication packet available. If you’re not sure, run:

    sudo bash -c 'docker-compose exec musicbrainz &' && \
    sudo docker-compose exec musicbrainz /usr/bin/tail -f mirror.log

    and see what it tells you; if you’re up-to-date, it should say “Replication packet … is not available.”

  2. Turn off cron jobs and update your musicbrainz-docker setup (assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later):

    admin/configure rm replication-cron
    git fetch --tags origin && \
    git checkout v-2022-08-25 && \
    sudo docker-compose up --build -d
  3. Run:

    sudo docker-compose exec musicbrainz ./admin/sql/updates/
  4. Turn cron jobs back on:

    admin/configure add replication-cron
    sudo docker-compose up -d musicbrainz

You can verify that this process worked by checking that the number of tags in the database is over 200,000:

sudo docker-compose exec musicbrainz bash -c "echo 'SELECT count(*) FROM tag' | ./admin/psql READWRITE"

Only change


22 Aug 17:01
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-08-22 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d


  • Upgrade MusicBrainz Server to v-2022-08-22
  • Prevent fetching the wrong data dumps depending on the replication type


09 Aug 08:28
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-08-09 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d

Only change

  • Bump Node version to 16.16.0 to work around MBS-12525 blocking regression in musicbrainz-server@v-2022-08-08.


08 Aug 19:52
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-08-08 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d

Fix missing genre and tag data on MusicBrainz mirror server

Erratum: There was a possibly triggered bug here which has been fixed in v-2022-08-25.

Only change