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Releases: metabrainz/musicbrainz-docker


09 Aug 08:28
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Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-08-09 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d

Only change

  • Bump Node version to 16.16.0 to work around MBS-12525 blocking regression in musicbrainz-server@v-2022-08-08.


08 Aug 19:52
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-08-08 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d

Fix missing genre and tag data on MusicBrainz mirror server

Erratum: There was a possibly triggered bug here which has been fixed in v-2022-08-25.

Only change


18 Jul 20:32
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-07-18 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d

Only change


04 Jul 13:40
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-07-04 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d

Only change


20 Jun 11:07
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-06-20 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d


  • Upgrade MusicBrainz Server to v-2022-06-20
  • Fixed SIR development setup to work with its new Python base image.
  • MBVM-84: Support database-only mirror
    Detailed steps if you want to switch a running mirror to this new database-only setup:
    1. Update musicbrainz-docker files with:
      git fetch --tags origin && git checkout v-2022-06-20
    2. Backup the list of your currently enabled compose files with:
      admin/configure show | tee -a "local/config-pre-v-2022-06-20-$(date +%FT%T).log"
    3. Reset it to use the database-only base configuration with:
      admin/configure with alt-db-only-mirror
    4. If you had enabled replication, re-enable it with:
      admin/configure add replication-token replication-cron
    5. If you had enabled publishing ports, enable it for the database only with:
      admin/configure add publishing-db-port
    6. If you had enabled any local override compose file (for example local/compose/memory-settings.yml), modify this file to remove services other than db, musicbrainz, and redis (for the same example, remove the lines about the search service), then enable it again; For the same example with:
      admin/configure add local/compose/memory-settings.yml
    7. Update your needed services db, musicbrainz (which can take some time to build its new image) and redis, and remove the others with:
      sudo docker-compose up --build --remove-orphans -d


07 Jun 18:58
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2022-05-17-mbdb27 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-06-07 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d


  • Upgrade MusicBrainz Server to v-2022-06-07
  • MBVM-85: Rename "slave" to "mirror" (inclusive language update)
    Fix outdated instructions to read mirror.log instead of slave.log after MBS-12225.


17 May 02:28
Choose a tag to compare

Breaking changes

This release upgrades to MusicBrainz database schema 27 and search index rebuilder 3 accordingly. It requires to run commands taking down all services during the upgrade.

If your musicbrainz-docker is earlier than v-2021-05-19, you must first update to it (see its release notes) and follow the upgrade instructions below, or remove everything using sudo docker-compose down --rmi local --volumes and reinstall.

Disk space requirements have significantly increased with recording's "first release date" table: 200 GB (or 70 without indexed search).

Upgrade instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2021-05-19 or later, then:

  1. Ensure you’ve replicated up to the most recent replication packet available with the old schema 26. If you’re not sure, run:

    sudo docker-compose exec musicbrainz bash -c ./admin/replication/LoadReplicationChanges

    and see what it tells you; if you’re ready to upgrade, it should say “This replication packet matches schema sequence #\27, but the database is currently at #\26.”

  2. Turn off cron jobs:

    admin/configure rm replication-cron
    sudo docker-compose up -d musicbrainz
  3. If you’re using the live search indexing, stop it and disable it as follows:

    sudo docker-compose stop indexer
    admin/configure rm live-indexing-search
  4. Switch to the new code with:

    git fetch --tags origin
    git checkout v-2022-05-17-mbdb27
    sudo docker-compose build
  5. If you were using the live search indexing, uninstall its triggers as follows:

    sudo docker-compose up -d indexer
    admin/setup-amqp-triggers uninstall
  6. Upgrade the database schema (it may take a while to vacuum at the end, ignore the ending message about DB_SCHEMA_SEQUENCE):

    mkdir -p local/compose && cp -a admin/lib/upgrade-db-schema/musicbrainz-stopped.yml local/compose
    admin/configure add local-compose-musicbrainz-stopped
    sudo docker-compose up -d musicbrainz indexer
    sudo docker-compose exec musicbrainz
  7. If you’re using the web interface or web service, run the following to build new materialized tables. These will take several additional gigabytes of spaces and be kept up-to-date automatically via triggers. For more information, see

    sudo docker-compose exec musicbrainz bash -c './admin/BuildMaterializedTables --database=MAINTENANCE all'
  8. If you’re using the live search indexing, install new triggers:

    admin/setup-amqp-triggers install

    then rebuild search indexes which takes hours (or download pre-built search indexes); See Set up search indexes):

    sudo docker-compose exec indexer python -m sir reindex

    and re-enable live search indexing:

    admin/configure add live-indexing-search
  9. Turn cron jobs back on:

    admin/configure rm local-compose-musicbrainz-stopped
    admin/configure add replication-cron
  10. Stop Redis and restart all services:

    sudo docker-compose stop redis
    sudo docker-compose up --build -d

Solved issues

  • Secure published ports in development setup
  • Simplify installing/uninstalling indexer triggers

Other changes

  • Upgrade MusicBrainz Server to v-2022-05-16-schema-change (release notes)
  • Upgrade search indexer rebuilder to v3.0.1 (see v3.0.0 release notes)


18 Apr 14:42
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2021-05-19 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-04-18 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d

Only change


28 Mar 14:59
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2021-05-19 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-03-28 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d

NB! This time these instructions should also be followed for the MusicBrainz Server development setup.

Only change


14 Mar 17:02
Choose a tag to compare

Update instructions

Assuming your checked out version of musicbrainz-docker is v-2021-05-19 or later, then just run:

git fetch --tags origin && \
git checkout v-2022-03-14 && \
sudo docker-compose up --build -d


  • Upgrade MusicBrainz Server to v-2022-03-14
    It now supports connecting to more than one Redis instance for migration.
  • Improve initializing the container indexer for customization and development:
    Live search now overrides command only instead of overriding entrypoint and erasing command.
  • Make search helper scripts compatible with Docker Compose 2.
  • Drop using apt-key which is deprecated since 2021.