- A mc-companion embedded indexer.
- Solidity-esque low-config portable binary program written in Rust.
- Your Schema.sol will automatically be GraphQL API (backend: Seaography-SQLite)
- You can run it in your frontend server or Cloudflare D1 instance (edge computing for low-latency querying).
- Scale until "Your RAM Size > Your Dapp Indexer Size" with in-memory SQLite setting.
brew install pkg-config openssl
class Compiler {
+solc_path: String
+base_slot_ast_cache: Option<String>
+storage_layout_ast_cache: Option<String>
+new(solc_path: String) -> Self
+prepare_base_slots() -> Result<Value, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
+prepare_slorage_layout() -> Result<Value, Box<dyn std::error::Error>>
class Extractor {
+compiler: Compiler
+file: File
+evm: EVM
+eth_call: EthCall
+registry: Registry
+initial_members: Executable[]
+new() -> Self
class TypeKind {
class Executable {
+step: usize
+type_kind: TypeKind
+value_type: String
+belongs_to: Option<Executable>
+offset: usize
+relative_slot: String
+absolute_slot: Option<String>
+iter: Option<IteratorMeta>
+executor: Executor
+is_iterish: bool
+mapping_key: String
+new(name: String, type_kind: TypeKind, value_type: String, relative_slot: String, belongs_to: Executable, mapping_key: String, iter: Option<IteratorMeta>) -> Self
+calculat_abs_slot(): String
+get_type_and_name() -> String
+get_children(ast_node:String): Option<Vec<Executable>>
class IteratorMeta {
+key_type: String
+from: Option<usize>
+to: Option<usize>
class Executor {
+queue_per_step: Vec<Vec<Executable>>
+executed_per_step: Vec<Vec<Executable>>
class Registry {
+perf_config_items: HashMap<String, PerfConfigItem>
+output_flatten: HashMap<String, Executable>
+ast_node: ASTNode
+set_output(edfs:String, e: Executable)
+get_output(edfs: &str) -> Option<&Executable>
+get_output_flatten() -> &Vec<Executable>
+new(perf_config_items: HashMap<String, PerfConfigItem>, storage_layout: Value) -> Self
+get_perf_config_item(edfs:String): PerfConfigItem
+get_node(&self, edfs: &str) -> Option<&Node>
class ASTNode {
+nodes: HashMap<String, Node>
+from_storage_layout(storage_layout: Value) -> Self
+parse_members(types: &Value, node_type: &str) -> Vec<Node>
+get_node(&self, edfs: &str) -> Option<&Node>
class Node {
label: String,
members: Vec<Node>,
offset: usize,
slot: String,
node_type: String,
class PerfConfigItem {
+edfs: String,
+from: Option<String>,
+to: Option<String>,
+from_executed: Option<usize>,
+to_executed: Option<usize>
class PerfExpressionEvaluator {
static eval(expression:String) -> usize
Main --> Extractor
Extractor --> Compiler
Extractor --> Registry
Registry <-- PerfConfigItem
Executor --> Registry
Executor --> Executable
Registry --> ASTNode
ASTNode --> Node
participant Main
participant Extractor
participant Compiler
participant Registry
participant Executable
participant Executor
Main->>Extractor: new()
activate Extractor
Extractor->>Compiler: new(solc_path)
activate Compiler
Compiler-->>Extractor: compiler
deactivate Compiler
Extractor->>Extractor: init_members_from_compiler()
activate Extractor
Extractor->>Compiler: prepare_base_slots()
activate Compiler
Compiler-->>Extractor: base_slots
deactivate Compiler
Extractor->>Compiler: prepare_slorage_layout()
activate Compiler
Compiler-->>Extractor: storage_layout
deactivate Compiler
Extractor->>Extractor: create Member objects from base_slots and storage_layout
Extractor->>Registry: new(perf_config_items, storage_layout)
activate Registry
Registry-->>Extractor: registry
deactivate Registry
Extractor-->>Extractor: initial_members
deactivate Extractor
Main->>Extractor: listen()
activate Extractor
Extractor->>Extractor: scan_contract()
activate Extractor
%% step = 0
loop for each step
Extractor->>Executor: bulk_exec_and_enqueue_and_set_primitive_to_output(step)
activate Executor
loop for each queued executables
Executor->>Executable: calculate_abs_slot()
activate Executable
Executable-->>Executor: abs_slot
deactivate Executable
Executor-->>EthCall: get values by slots
EthCall-->>Executor: values
Executor-->>Executor: flush_queue(step)
loop for each executed
Executor->>Registry: get_perf_config_item(edfs: String)
activate Registry
Registry-->>Executor: perf_config_item
deactivate Registry
%% For Mapping, skip. Because it doesn't have value in the slot. iter.to will be filled a logic below.
%% For NaiveStruct, skip. Becuase 1st child is overlapping the slot.
%% In the logic of set_value()
%% For Primitive, self.value = value
%% For Array, self.iter.to = value
Executor-->>Executable: set_value
activate Executable
deactivate Executable
critical executable.typeKind == TypeKind.Primitive
option true
Executor->>Registry: push_output(executable)
activate Registry
deactivate Registry
%% Executed primitive must be recorded.
option false
%% Executed NaiveStruct, Array, Mapping
Executor->>Executable: get_children(ast_node)
activate Executable
Executable-->>Executor: Executables
deactivate Executable
%% enqueueability check for one-step below executables
Executor->>Registry: get_perf_config_item(edfs: String)
activate Registry
Registry-->>Executor: perf_config_item
deactivate Registry
critical !executable.iter
option false
critical !!executable.iter.to
option true
loop i in executable.iter.to
Executor->>Executor: Executable.new()
Executor->>Executable: enqueue_execution()
activate Executable
deactivate Executable
option false
%% trying to fill iter.{from,to}
%% Array: Just have been set executed value
%% Mapping: with eval-ing conf
Executor->>PerfExpressionEvaluator: eval(from_expression:String)
activate PerfExpressionEvaluator
PerfExpressionEvaluator-->>Executor: parsed_from
deactivate PerfExpressionEvaluator
Executor->>PerfExpressionEvaluator: eval(to_expression:String)
activate PerfExpressionEvaluator
PerfExpressionEvaluator-->>Executor: parsed_to
Executor-->>IteratorMeta: set_from(parsed_from)
Executor-->>IteratorMeta: set_to(parsed_to)
deactivate PerfExpressionEvaluator
%% Skipping algo for a mapping's unloaded bin_index
critical executable.iter.to > 0
option false
Executor->>Executable: increment_step()
Executor->>Executable: enqueue_execution()
activate Executable
deactivate Executable
%% if perf_config_item is not found, enqueue the executable for the next step
option true
critical !!executable.abs_slot && !executable.value
option true
Executor->>Executable: enqueue_execution()
activate Executable
deactivate Executable
%% "option false" case means this executable should simply be value-filled on next bulk exec.
deactivate Executor
Executor-->>Executor: flush_executed(step)
%% step += 1;
critical step > 15
option true
Executor-->>Executor: break;
%% 2^4 nest is the limit for safety and efficiency
%% malformed perf_config causes infinite loop due to enqueue skipping algo
Extractor->>Registry: get_output_flatten()
activate Registry
Registry-->>Extractor: output_flatten
deactivate Registry
Extractor-->>Main: output_flatten
deactivate Extractor
deactivate Extractor