Welcome to the GeoGit project, exploring the use of distributed management of spatial data.
For background reading please review this GeoServer wiki page: GeoGit approach
Project Lead: Gabriel Roldan
Source files use the following header:
/* Copyright (c) 2011 TOPP - www.openplans.org. All rights reserved. * This code is licensed under the LGPL 2.1 license, available at the root * application directory. */
As indicated above the code is distributed under an LGPL 2.1 license.
GeoGit is built using Maven:
cd src mvn clean install
Online tests, require a geogit endpoint, are available using:
mvn -Ponline
Cobertura is configured for a test coverage report:
mvn cobertura:cobertura open target/site/cobertura/index.html
Any additional build profiles are documented in the root pom.xml:pom.xml .
If you would like to work in Eclipse use of the m2eclipse plugin recommended.
Please carefully apply the code formatting options in the buld/eclipse/formatter.xml file. These are the standard Java formatting options with 100 character line length for both code and comments, and 4 spaces for indentation. It is also recommended to use the code templates from build/eclipse/codetemlates.xml.
The project is hosted on github:
Participation is encouraged using the github fork and pull request workflow:
* file headers are described above * include test case demonstrating functionality * contributions are expected to pass test and not break the build
Project resources:
- Full on-line project documentation
- GeoGit Discussion Group
- The build is actively monitored using hudson
- https://github.com/opengeo/GeoGit/issues
Additional resources: