Mihai Idu - 2019
This is a ansible-playbook to automate the deployment, installation and configuration of the srsLTE.
Before lunching the below command, please check the following set of files that respect the configuration that you want:
/roles/files/srsenb/* - those files should include the eNB configurations
/roles/files/srsepc/* - those files should includethe EPC configurations
inventory-srsLTE - this file should include the hostname of all the physical or virtual machines and IPs where do you want to install the srsLTE
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory-srsLTE -u <USERNAME> -bkK playbook.yml
After lunching the above command the ssh password for the choosen it will be requested by the ansible-playbook in order to create the ssh connection to the desired host.
Mailing to the followin address: [email protected]