This repository is meant to write and manage the Official Documentation of QGIS, a free and Open Source Geographic Information System (GIS) Software, under the Open Source Geospatial (OSGeo) foundation umbrella.
The latest documentation is available at
If not provided by your OS, you need to install:
- git (
- and Python3 (
You can install both in default places and with default options.
Clone the repository (
Go into that directory and follow the next instructions depending on your OS.
The best way to build the documentation is within a Python Virtual Environment (venv).
To check/create the venv and use it in the build:
make -f html
The will create/update a virtual env (if not available) in current dir/venv AND run the html build in it.
You can also use that virtual environment later doing:
source venv/bin/activate
to activate the venv and then run the build from within that venv:
make html
If you want for some reason start from scratch:
make -f cleanall
In Linux, you can also build the PDF versions of the main documents:
make -f pdf
For building PDFs you will need to install the XeLaTex compiler package
and GNU Freefont.
sudo apt install textlive-xetex fonts-freefont
You can also use your own virtual env by creating it first:
# you NEED python >3.6. Depending on distro either use `python3` or `python`
# common name is 'venv' but call it whatever you like
python3 -m venv venv # using the venv module, create a venv named 'venv'
Then activate the venv:
source ./venv/bin/activate
With 'activated' virtualenv, you should see 'venv' in the prompt. Install the requirements via the REQUIREMENTS.txt:
pip install -r REQUIREMENTS.txt
And run the build from within that venv:
make html
Want to build your own language? Note that you will use the translations from the po files from git! For example for 'nl' do:
make LANG=nl html
If you want to build PDFs in another language, you can use a similar syntax:
make LANG=fr pdf
For building translated PDFs, you may have to install the texlive extra package
for your specific language (e.g. texlive-lang-french
). For japanese, it's
crucial to install texlive-lang-japanese
, which will install the platex
compiler. If you plan to build all languages, it might be easier to install all
languages packages (texlive-lang-all
), but it will use a considerable amount
of disk space.
Some languages will also need specific fonts installed:
- Korea (ko) - NanumMyeongjo from the
package - Hindi (hi) - Nakula from the
Create a virtual environment called 'venv' in that directory (search the Internet for Python Virtual Env on Windows for more details), but in short: use the module 'venv' to create a virtual environment called 'venv'
# in dos box:
python -m venv venv
Then activate the venv:
With 'activated' virtualenv, you should see 'venv' in the prompt. Install the requirements via the REQUIREMENTS.txt:
pip install -r REQUIREMENTS.txt
And run the build from within that venv, using the make.bat script with the html argument to locally build the docs:
make.bat html
Want to build your own language? Note that you will use the translations from the po files from git! For example 'nl' do:
set SPHINXOPTS=-D language=nl
make.bat html
To update the english po files (which are being used as SOURCE files in transifex):
# FIRST create the pot files in build/gettext (po file be based on those pot files)
make gettext
# then update the english po files only:
sphinx-intl update -p build/gettext -l en
To create the .tx/config to push/pull using tx client do:
# Creating the txconfig is only to be once the first time (we have one now...)
#sphinx-intl create-txconfig
sphinx-intl update-txconfig-resources --transifex-project-name qgis-documentation
# Then (only Transifex admin) can push the po source files to Transifex
tx push -fs --no-interactive (push the source (-s) files forcing (-f) overwriting the ones their without asking (--no-interactive)
To update all po files of all languages (Which we do not use here! This is done by Transifex):
export SPHINXINTL_LANGUAGE=de,nl, ...
# is the same same as
sphinx-intl <command> --language=de --language=nl ...
We created a script to create the transifex yaml files for github-transifex integrations.
BUT we do not do this yet as there were some technical issues...