- CG Pipeline - CG方面的
- 全集 awesome 全集
- awesome django awesome django
- superset 商业智能
- Natron - Compositing
- The Gimp - Image edition
- Krita - Image edition
- ColorPipe-tools - ColorPipe-tools is a set of tools to handle and process LUTs or color spaces.
- dj_brdf - A C++ Microfacet BRDF Fitting Library
- OpenColorIO - A color management framework for visual effects and animation.
- LuminanceHDR
- micro-comp - Comparison of Microfacet D and G terms
- mergeImageTool - The multiple images of arbitrary size, merged into a N power of 2 the size of the picture. The game industry auxiliary tool.
- FileMetaChecker - File Meta Checker is a tool to extract metadatas from various files as images, video, sound etc. It based on libraryless extractor, only a human readable specification describe the standard.
- bgfx - Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
- SeExprArnold - SeExpr shader for Arnold renderer
- Obq_Shaders - Obq_Shaders for Arnold
- libigl - Simple C++ geometry processing library. http://libigl.github.io/libigl/
- cgal - The public CGAL repository, see the README below https://github.com/CGAL/cgal#readme
- oscpack - oscpack -- Open Sound Control packet manipulation library A simple C++ library for packing and unpacking OSC packets.
- TwinklebearDev-Lessons - Source code and assets for the TwinklebearDev Tutorials http://www.willusher.io/pages/sdl2/
- PyQtUiLibrary - PyQt5 Ui Library
- nanogui - Minimalistic GUI library for OpenGL
- nanovg - Antialiased 2D vector drawing library on top of OpenGL for UI and visualizations.
- alloy - UI library written with NanoVG, GLFW, and modern OpenGL in C++11
- kiui - Auto-layout Ui library, lightweight, skinnable and system agnostic, with an OpenGL backend
- QFramer - It's a solid frame based on Qt.
- QtAdvanced - 如果你想使用Qt如鱼得水, 这里的东西值得你学习。
- cortex - Libraries for visual effects software development
- gaffer - Gaffer is an open source application framework designed specifically for creating tools for use in visual effects production.
- st2 - 事件驱动
- st2contrib - 相关的依赖
- CuteTorrent - BitTorrent client based on libtorrent-rasterbar with user friendly interface
- centrifugo Language-agnostic real-time messaging (Websocket or SockJS) server in Go
- websocketd Turn any program that uses STDIN/STDOUT into a WebSocket server. Like inetd, but for WebSockets.
- uWebSockets Tiny WebSockets https://gitter.im/uWebSockets-chat/
- revel - A high productivity, full-stack web framework for the Go language.
- pybind11 - Seamless operability between C++11 and Python
- deep-learning-keras-tensorflow - Deep Learning with Keras and Tensorflow
- tensorflow-zh - 谷歌全新开源人工智能系统TensorFlow官方文档中文版
- skflow - Simplified interface for TensorFlow (mimicking Scikit Learn) for Deep Learning
- DeepFace - 基于Caffe实现的深度学习人脸识别、脸脸检测、人脸关键点检测等工作
- panns - Python Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search in very high dimensional spaces with optimised indexing.
- dotStudio - Nuke的Python代码案例
- python-nvd3 - NVD3的python封装
- echarts - A powerful charting and visualization library for browser
- zrender - A lightweight canvas library which providing 2d draw for ECharts
- videojs-markers - 可在videojs播放器的进度条上打marker
- videojs-notes - A note taking / annotation plugin for videojs
- videojs-thumbnails - A video.js plugin that displays thumbnail images over the scrubber.
- frame-player - A video player without video files, just JSON. Based on 'images frames' thought to mobile devices!
- videojs-framebyframe - frame-by-frame stepping plugin for use with video.js
- OpenVideoAnnotation - Open Video Annotation Project
- Frame-Accurate-HTML5-Video-Thing - A prototype jQuery plug in that creates frame accurate controls for an HTML5 video element
- QtAV - A cross-platform multimedia framework based on Qt and FFmpeg. High performance. User & developer friendly. Supports Android, iOS, Windows store and desktops. 基于Qt和FFmpeg的跨平台高性能音视频播放框架 http://qtav.org
- shaka-packager - A media packaging SDK intended for C++ programmers writing MPEG-DASH packaging applications with Widevine DRM and Common Encryption support.
- libvlc-sdk - libvlc headers and MSVC libs
- duke - Duke is an opensource high resolution image and sequence viewer dedicated to visual effect and post production companies.
- pyblish-maya - maya的发布工具
- pyblish-base - Pyblish base library - see https://github.com/pyblish/pyblish for details. Edit
- cross3d - A python module provides a consistent interface to multiple DCC application api.
- pyblish-qml - Pyblish QML frontend
- pyblish-lite - A lightweight alternative to Pyblish QML
- BtoA - Blender to Arnold
- pyblish - Test-driven content creation, visit http://pyblish.com for the full scoop.
- tk-katana - Shotgun Engine for Katana
- shotgunEvents - Shotgun event processing framework.
- tk-core
- arnold-rv - Driver for sending arnold frame buffers to Tweak's RV (Righteous Viewer).
- Ecosystem - A cross-platform environment management system for VFX/animation production plus R&D http://peregrinelabs.com/
- instanceAlongCurve - Maya API Node for interactive instancing of shapes along curves.
- cgru - 渲染管理
- OpenRenderManagement
- alembic - Alembic is an open framework for storing and sharing scene data that includes a C++ library, a file format, and client plugins and applications. http://alembic.io/
- USD - Universal Scene Description
- maya-portable - Portable launching of Maya
- rez - An integrated package configuration, build and deployment system for software
- cinema4d_py_sdk
- litegl.js - Lightweight Javascript WebGL library for handling Context, Meshes, Textures and Shaders. Relies on glMatrix 2.0, very easy to use.
- rendeer.js - Light-weight 3D Scene graph library with renderer in WebGL
- litegui.js - Javascript Library to create webapps with a desktop look-alike interface. All the widgets are created from Javascript instead of using HTML
- litegraph.js - A graph node editor similar to PD, it works in a HTML5 Canvas and allow to export graphs to be included in applications.
- threefab - Fabrication tool for three.js http://blackjk3.github.com/threefab/
- webglstudio - A full 3D graphics editor in the browser, with scene editor, coding pad, graph editor, virtual file system, and many features more.
- Lucidity - 文件路径模板
- clique - 处理序列
- python-edl - A python EDL parsing library
- light_sequence_parser 文件序列处理
- omaha - 谷歌的win自动更新框架
- Update - 一个用于更新的解决方案(暂时only windows)
- Sparkle - A software update framework for macOS
- Squirrel.Windows - An installation and update framework for Windows desktop apps
- SeExpr - SeExpr is a simple expression language that we use to provide artistic control and customization to our core software. We use it for procedural geometry synthesis, image synthesis, simulation control, and much more
- CasparCG/Client -Client software primarily used with the CasparCG Server software for audio and video playout, to control graphics and recording, but it can also be used for other tasks within television broadcast. http://casparcg.com
- CasparCG/Server - CasparCG Server is a Windows and Linux software used to play out professional graphics, audio and video to multiple outputs. It has been in 24/7 broadcast production since 2006. Ready-to-use downloads are available at the official site
- elephant - A persistent, full-text searchable key-value store. Powered by Flask, ElasticSearch, S3, and good intentions.
- TwinklebearDev-Lessons - Source code and assets for the TwinklebearDev Tutorials http://www.willusher.io/pages/sdl2/
- screen_grab - Capture the screen and publish it on a ROS sensor_msgs/Image topic Edit Add topics
- concurrent_utils - A set of reusable C++ classes for concurrent tasks
- Tinyhttpd