You can copy locally the latest stable in a stand-alone file from:
Clone the latest source code
git clone
Then change the directory to the newly created one
cd ZendServerSDK
Install composer
Get all dependant packages.
php composer.phar install --no-dev
Run the phar file with --help to see the available commands:
php zs-client.phar --help
See below for more options. Notice: When using the stable version remember to use zs-client.phar instead of bin/zs-client.php.
Run the following, from the directory where this file is located, to see all commands:
php bin/zs-client.php --help
If you want to see information about certain command only, then run:
php bin/zs-client.php <commandName> --help
You can pack the source code into one stand-alone file that php can read. Run the following command to produce the zs-client.phar file.
php bin/create-phar.php
The generated file should be saved under bin/zs-client.phar. You can copy it and use it without the need to have the other PHP files.
A target is representing the information needed to connect to a Zend Server. Every target contains unique name and must have URL that points to the location of the Zend Server, WebAPI key and secret and optionally a target can contain information about the version of Zend Server.
To add a target run the following command:
php bin/zs-client.php addTarget --target="<put-here-unique-name>" \
--zskey="<put-here-the-webapi-key-name>" \
--zssecret="<put-here-the-webapi-key-hash>" \
--zsurl="<(optional)put-here-valid-url>" \
To update a target run the command with the same --target value and provide the new values.
The information about the available targets is saved in the home directory of the current user in a file named .zsapi.ini.
You have a PHP application that you want to deploy to Zend Server. In order to use the deployment you will have to enable deployment support, create a package and upload it to the remote server.
Below are the steps that you need to take:
php bin/zs-client.php createZpk --folder="<folder-where-the-PHP-code-is>"
This will add two new files in the specified folder: deployment.xml and
Using Zend Studio 10 or normal text editor edit the deployment.xml file and change the XML data to match your application name, version, etc.
Run the following command.
php bin/zs-client.php packZpk --folder="<folder-where-the-PHP-code-is>" --destination="<folder-where-the-package-will-be-created>"
It will output the name of the newly created package file. You have to use this name to install or update an existing application on Zend Server. If you want to use other name for the output file you can use the --name="{desired-zpk-name}" option.
Run the following command to install a package.
php bin/zs-client.php installApp --zpk="<location-of-the-zpk-file>" \
--target="<the-name-of-the-target>" \
You can use the same command to update a package. User parameters during the installation can be passed using --userParams="{provide-params-as-query-string}". For example if you want to pass parameter APPLICATION_ENV and DB_TYPE then you can use the following
php bin/zs-client.php installApp --zpk="<location-of-the-zpk-file>" \
--target="<the-name-of-the-target>" \
--baseUri="<baseUri>" \
For questions and feedback write to slavey (at) zend DOT com.