This is a simple chess bot written in Python with the help of python-chess. I advise using pypy when running it to speed it up, otherwise it may flag often. You can try playing it here (lichess account required).
- Negamax algorithm with alpha-beta pruning
- Piece-Square Tables
- Move Ordering
- Capture Search
- Syzygy Tablebases for 3,4 and 5 pieces
- Openings Book by Richard Pijl
- Integrated with by Berserk
- Zobrist Hashing
- Transposition Table
- Iterative Deepening
- Maybe more...
After installing all the required packages (and preferably pypy) to use this bot you have to create a BOT account on and get yourself a personal API token (you can get one in "Preferences" on your BOT account) with "Play games with the bot API" permission and put it into token.txt (make sure its in the first line of the file). After this you're ready to go and can just start like any standard python script. In case of any problems open issue or write me directly on [email protected]