This is the official repository for the Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner introduced in Right for the Right Concept: Revising Neuro-Symbolic Concepts by Interacting with their Explanations by Wolfgang Stammer, Patrick Schramowski, Kristian Kersting, to be published at CVPR 2021.
This repository contains the model source code for the Neuro-Symbolic Concept Learner together with a script for training the Concept Learner on the CLEVR-Hans3 data set as a minimal example of how to use the model. As in the original paper the concept embedding module (Set Prediction Network with Slot Attention) was pretrained on the original CLEVR data.
Files for pre-training yourself can be found in src/pretrain-slot-attention/
(follow the instructions in the corresponding README).
Please visit the NeSy XIL repository for the Neuro-Symbolic Explanatory Interactive Learning approach based on this Concept Learner to see further examples from the original paper.
First download the CLEVR-Hans3 data set. Please visit the CLEVR-Hans repository for instrucitons on this.
To run the eaxmple train script with the CLEVR-Hans3 data follow:
cd src/docker/
docker build -t nesy-concept-learner -f Dockerfile .
docker run -it -v /pathto/NeSyConceptLearner:/workspace/repositories/NeSyConceptLearner -v /pathto/CLEVR-Hans3:/workspace/datasets/CLEVR-Hans3 --name nesy-concept-learner --entrypoint='/bin/bash' --runtime nvidia nesy-concept-learner
cd repositories/NeSyConceptLearner/src/
./scripts/ 0 0 /workspace/datasets/CLEVR-Hans3/
for running on gpu 0 with run number 0 (for saving)
If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing:
@article{stammer2020right, title={Right for the Right Concept: Revising Neuro-Symbolic Concepts by Interacting with their Explanations}, author={Stammer, Wolfgang and Schramowski, Patrick and Kersting, Kristian}, journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.12854}, year={2020} }