Easily install Nightscout on a cheap VPS. Perfect for DIY diabetes management.
Nightscout is a powerful tool for diabetes management that:
- Displays glucose levels, insulin and carbs intake history on the same graph
- Shows information about activities, pump status and age
- Provides reports to improve Time in Range (TIR)
- Offers alerts for caregivers and shareable data for doctors
Get a VPS:
- Use this DigitalOcean link for $200 credit (2 months free)
- Choose a region closest to you
- Choose Ubuntu 24.04 (LTS) x64
- Choose Basic, Regular, $6/month plan (1GB RAM, 1 CPU, 25GB SSD)
- Choose "Password" for authentication (or SSH key if you're tech-savvy)
- Enter "nightscout" as the hostname
- Create a droplet and wait for it to boot
Get a hostname:
- Use your own domain, or
- Email [email protected] with your VPS IP for a free hostname (you.nightscout.top)
Install Nightscout:
- Connect to your VPS using SSH (ssh [email protected])
- Run the following command to install/setup your instance(s):
curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mluggy/nightscout-vps/main/setup.sh | sudo bash
Access Nightscout:
- Visit
and use your API secret to log in - Setup your initial profile based on your pump settings
- Visit
- Your API secret should only be used by your DIY loop
- Followers should use "readable" only tokens
- Email is required for SSL certificates
- If you want to shut down your instance, click "Destroy" in the DigitalOcean control panel
Free hostnames are provided as a courtesy. They may be revoked at any time and are for non-commercial use only.
This script is provided as-is. The author is not responsible for Nightscout, the VPS, its billing and availability and/oor any installation issues. The author is certainly not responsible for any medical treatment/health outcomes. Always consult your healthcare provider for medical advice.