Ensuring Safe School Transportation
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Save Your Kid aims to enhance the safety of students by providing parents and school administrators with real time updates on the location of school buses .and the presence of children onboard. Here's why:
- Provide a dashboard system, for monitoring the system.
- Provide a user app we aim to give parents peace of mind through tracking and status notifications.
- Provide a supervisor app that allows for management of student lists including adding new students and updating information.
Of course, can seamlessly incorporate the system to improve the safety and well- being of students.
- npm
npm install npm@latest -g
- Get a free API Key at https://gp-saveurkid.up.railway.app
- Clone the repo
git https://github.com/mmt20/gp_saveurkid.git
- Install NPM packages
npm install
- Enter your API in
Distributed under the MIT License. See MIT License for more information.
Mostafa Mohamed - @MMTAHA22 - [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/mmt20/gp_saveurkid