Library for calculating properties of geometric shapes, such as area, etc.
IShape - interface all shapes Contains: Properties: - Area - area of the shape Methods: - GetProperties - return dictionary of properties, where Key is property name and Value is property value. Pair like { "Area", 10 }
IShapeParam - interface for shape param(side/radius/diameter/etc.)
IShapeFactory - interface for create shape Contains: Methods: - CreateShape(IShapeParam) - create shape by IShapeParam. Call validating shape after create. May throw ValidationException or ArgumentException
- ShapeBase - abstract class, contains property for all shape, like area (perimeter/volume in the future). Contains: Properties: - Area - IShape.Area. Save cache after calculating Methods: - GetArea - protected abstract method for calculate area
- Circle - hm.... Circle)
- Triangle - Triangle with RightAngled property, which is output in IShape.GetProperties
Add new shape:
- create shape class inherited from ShapeBase and implement GetArea method
- override GetProperties if need add custom property
- create factory class inherited from ShapeFactory and implement MakeShape method
- Enjoy 😉
Validation: Validation is performed via attributes and System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations (call in IShapeFactory.CreateShape) Some attributes:
- CircleValidationAttribute/TriangleValidationAttribute/TriangleSideValidationAttribute