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mohamedadaly committed Nov 13, 2014
1 parent 196c8a9 commit b2dd122
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22 changes: 19 additions & 3 deletions
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@@ -1,4 +1,20 @@

Caltech Lane Detection Software

This package contains C/C++ and Matlab source code that implements the work in [1]. It implements a real time lane detection system for single images by fitting robust Bezier splines. It can detect all lanes in the street, or the two lane markers of the current lane. To quickly see it in action, download the software below and also the Caltech Lanes Dataset .

The detection runs in real time, about 40-50 Hz and detects all lanes in the street. It was compiled and tested on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx 32-bit machine and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5 64-bit machine.

It also includes several functionalities that were missing from OpenCV at the time, including:

Routines for obtaining the Inverse Perspective Mapping (IPM) of an image i.e. getting a bird's eye view of the road.
Routines for conversion to/from image pixel coordinates and coordinates on the road plane (using the ground plane assumption).
Robust & RANSAC line fitting.
Robust & RANSAC Bezier spline fitting.
Bezier spline rasterization and plotting.
Bresenham's line raterization.

Various utility functions for checking intersections of lines with lines and bounding boxes, checking points inside a rectangle, ... etc.
An implementation of a general Hough transform routine for lines.

[1] Mohamed Aly, Real time Detection of Lane Markers in Urban Streets, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 2008. [pdf]
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions
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Caltech Lane Detection Software
152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions README.txt
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# Author: Mohamed Aly <[email protected]>
# Date: 10/7/2010


This package contains source code and dataset that implements the work in the
paper [1].

src/: contains the C/C++ source files

|_ CameraInfo.conf: contains the camera calibration ifo

|_ CameraInfoOpt.*: contain gengetopt files for parsing the camera info files

|_ cmdline.*: contains gengetopt files for parsing command lines

|_ InversePerspectiveMapping.*: code for obtainig the IPM of an image

|_ LaneDetector.*: code for the bulk of the algorithm, including Hough
Transforms, Spline fitting, Post processing, ...

|_ Lanes.conf: the typical configuration file for lane detection

|_ main.*: code for the main binary

|_ Makefile: the Make file

|_ mcv.*: contain utility functions

|_ ranker.h: code for obtaining the median of a vector

|_ Shell script for running the detector on the four clips in
Caltech Lanes Dataset

matlab/: contains the Matlab source files

|_ ccvCheckMergeSplines.m: checks if two splines are matching

|_ ccvEvalBezSpline.m: returns points on a spline given its control points

|_ ccvGetLaneDetectionStats.m: computes stats from detections and ground truth

|_ ccvLabel.m: handles the ground truth labels

|_ ccvReadLaneDetectionResultsFile.m: reads a detection file output from the
binary file LaneDetector32/64

|_ Stats.m: computes stats for the detections on the Caltech Lanes Dataset and
its ground truth labels

1. OpenCV 2.0 or higher
3. (Optional) Gengetopt

Unzip the archive somewhere, let's say ~/lane-detector:

unzip -d ~/lane-detector
cd ~/lane-detector/src
make release

This will generate LaneDetector32 or LaneDetector64 depending on your system.

Caltech Lanes Dataset
To view the lane detector in action, you can download the Caltech Lanes Dataset
available at

To run the detector on the Caltech Lanes dataset, which might be in

cd ~/lane-detector/
ln -s ~/caltech-lanes/ clips
cd ~/lane-detector/src/

This will create the results files inside

To view the statistics of the results, open Matlab and run the file:

cd ~/lane-detector/matlab/

Command line options
LinePerceptor 1.0

Detects lanes in street images.

Usage: LinePerceptor [OPTIONS]... [FILES]...

-h, --help Print help and exit
-V, --version Print version and exit

Basic options:
--lanes-conf=STRING Configuration file for lane detection
--stoplines-conf=STRING Configuration file for stopline detection
--no-stoplines Don't detect stop lines (default=on)
--no-lanes Don't detect lanes (default=off)
--camera-conf=STRING Configuration file for the camera paramters
--list-file=STRING Text file containing a list of images one per
--list-path=STRING Path where the image files are located, this is
just appended at the front of each line in
--list-file (default=`')
--image-file=STRING The path to an image

Debugging options:
--wait=INT Number of milliseconds to show the detected
lanes. Put 0 for infinite i.e. waits for
keypress. (default=`0')
--show Show the detected lines (default=off)
--step Step through each image (needs a keypress) or
fall through (waits for --wait msecs)
--show-lane-numbers Show the lane numbers on the output image
--output-suffix=STRING Suffix of images and results
--save-images Export all images with detected lanes to the by
appending --output-suffix + '.png' to each
input image (default=off)
--save-lanes Export all detected lanes to a text file by
appending --output-suffix + '.txt' to
--list-file (default=off)
--debug Show debugging information and images

[1] Mohamed Aly, Real time Detection of Lane Markers in Urban Streets,
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, June 2008.
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions matlab/Stats.m
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function Stats
% STATS computes stats for the results of LaneDetector
% Inputs:
% -------
% Outputs:
% --------

% The detection files
detectionFiles = {

% The ground truth labels
truthFiles = {

% Get statistics
ccvGetLaneDetectionStats(detectionFiles, truthFiles);
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions matlab/ccvCheckMergeSplines.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
function merge = ccvCheckMergeSplines(spline1, spline2, meanDistThreshold, ...
% CCVCHECKMERGESPLINES checks if two splines are to be merged (matched) or
% not. It does this by computing the distance from every point in each
% spline to every other point in the other spline and checking that the mean
% or median distances are below the given thresholds.
% Inputs:
% -------
% spline2: Nx2 matrix of spline control points
% spline2: Nx2 matrix of spline control points
% meanDistThreshold: threshold for the mean distance between points on the
% two splines
% medianDistThreshold: threshold for median distance between points on the
% two splines
% Outputs:
% --------
% merge: 1 if to merge, 0 otherwise

%get points on both
p1 = ccvEvalBezSpline(spline1, .01);
p2 = ccvEvalBezSpline(spline2, .01);

%now for every point in spline1, compute nearest in spline2, and get that
dist1 = zeros(1, size(p1,1));
for i=1:size(p1, 1)
%get diff
d = repmat(p1(i,:), size(p2, 1), 1) - p2;
%get distance
d = sqrt(sum(d.^2, 2));
%get min
dist1(i) = min(d);
dist2 = zeros(1, size(p2,1));
for i=1:size(p2, 1)
%get diff
d = repmat(p2(i,:), size(p1, 1), 1) - p1;
%get distance
d = sqrt(sum(d.^2, 2));
%get min
dist2(i) = min(d);

%compute mean and median
meanDist = min(mean(dist1), mean(dist2));
medianDist = min(median(dist1), median(dist2));

merge = (meanDist <= meanDistThreshold) || (medianDist <= medianDistThreshold);
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions matlab/ccvEvalBezSpline.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
function [outPoints, tangent] = ccvEvalBezSpline(spline, h)
% ccvEvalBezSpline evaluates a Bezier spline with the specified degree

% ------
% spline - input 3 or 4 points in a matrix 3x2 or 4x2 [xs, ys]
% h - [0.05] the interval to use for evaluation
% -------
% outPoints - output points nx2 [xs; ys]
% tangent - the tangent at the two end-points [t0; t1]
% -------
% [p, t] = ccvEvalBezSpline(sp, 0.1);
% See also ccvDrawBezSpline

if nargin<2, h = 0.05; end

%get the degree
degree = size(spline, 1) - 1;

%compute number of return points
n = floor(1/h)+1;

switch degree
%Quadratic Bezier curve
case 2
M = [1, -2, 1; ...
-2, 2, 0; ...
1, 0, 0];

%compute constants [a, b, c]
abcd = M * spline;
a = abcd(1,:); b = abcd(2,:); c = abcd(3,:);

%compute at time 0
P = c;
dP = b * h + a * h^2;
ddP = 2*a*h^2;

outPoints = zeros(n, size(spline,2));
outPoints(1,:) = P;
for i=2:n
%calculate new point
P = P + dP;
%update steps
dP = dP + ddP;
%put back
outPoints(i,:) = P;

%tangents: t0 = b
t0 = b;
%t1 = 2a+b
t1 = 2*a+b;

%Cubic Bezier curve
case 3
M = [-1, 3, -3, 1; ...
3, -6, 3, 0; ...
-3, 3, 0, 0; ...
1, 0, 0, 0];

%compute constants [a, b, c, d]
abcd = M * spline;
a = abcd(1,:); b = abcd(2,:); c = abcd(3,:); d = abcd(4,:);

%compute at time 0
P = d;
dP = c*h + b * h^2 + a * h^3;
ddP = 2*b*h^2 + 6*a*h^3;
dddP = 6*a*h^3;

outPoints = zeros(n, size(spline,2));
outPoints(1,:) = P;
for i=2:n
%calculate new point
P = P + dP;
%update steps
dP = dP + ddP;
ddP = ddP + dddP;
%put back
outPoints(i,:) = P;

%tangents: t0 = c
t0 = c;
%t1 = 3a+2*b+c
t1 = 3*a+2*b+c;

%put tangents together
tangent = [t0; t1];


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