Step 1:
Create a newtwok with the name wldnet and with bridge driver
Step 2:
- create a folder mongodb in your home directory, under that create the subdirectories like this
mongodb/data/node1, mongodb/data/node2, mongodb/data/node3, mongodb/log/node1, mongodb/log/node2, mongodb/log/node3
- create mongod.log file in log directory
mongodb/log/node1/mongod.log, mongodb/log/node2/mongod.log, mongodb/log/node3/mongod.log
- Make mongod user as the owner for mongodb directory
sudo chown -R mongod:mongod $HOME/mongodb
Go to mongo-docker-compose package and run docker-compose up command
docker-compose up -d
Once the containers are running exec into db1 container run the setup script which will initiate the mongodb replicaset
docker exec -it db1 bash
> /scripts/
Wait until the replica set is configured. Once the setp is complete mongodb is running in replication mode. You can connect to it with the below URL from the application
Step 3:
- Go to web package and run npm install
npm install
- Rn docker compose up
docker-compose up -d
- Access the UI in localhost:3000