Quiz Website
Html, Css ,PHP, MariaDB
- Create 2 Database named as :
- quiz_website
- quiz_table
- Configure your database detail in config_db.php file
- add your connection details hostname , username ,password,database name
- Configure Administrator Details in admin_detail.php file
- Set your mobile number and password to access administrator pages
- To send email add your email and password
- for visitor
following features are there for visitors - create Account
- login to Account
- display Profile
- take Test
- calcuate Result
- for administrator
following features are there for administrator of website - view and delete Account Details of all Registered User
- add more question to quiz
It is a simple Quiz website. It generates Random question for user . This website is build using HTML, CSS for frontend and PHP , MariaDb for backend and database . It is divided in following two part
- For Visitors
- Create Account
- Login to Account
- This is profile page . It show all the test given by user
- Take Test
- This page shows user's Score
- user's result is stored and can be view in future also
- If password is not remembered than user can use forgot password page
- user get a passord reset link to his email if only the Account is registered
- A verification Link is sended in the message clicked on it open the reset password page . Link is expired within 10 minutes
- If the token and email both match than user can reset his/her password
- The Mobile number and password which is set in admin_detail.php file is used to access Administrator's Account
- Administrator can see all the registered user account
- Administrator can Insert new question database
For Administrator