Currently running on managed Kubernetes and managed PostgreDB (with a staging enviroonemnt on a managed App Platform)
Note: the above button is a referal link.
Goal: continous deployment automation with rollback capability
- argocd-ingress.yml for connecting the service with the load balancer and nginx reverse proxy
- argocd-values.yml config for the argocd helm chart to use SSL termination at NGINX.
- cert-manager-issuer.yaml SSL certificate config for the domain
- gRPC setup for ArgoCD to use the CLI. Workaround: k8s port proxy to localhost.
Setup instructions
- DO 1-click install argoCD into k8s cluster (TODO: replace with helm install command, I suspect behind the scenes the 1-click install does the same)
- DO 1-click install ingress-nginx into k8s cluster (TODO: replace with helm install command, I suspect behind the scenes the 1-click install does the same)
- DO 1-click install cert-manager into k8s cluster (TODO: replace with helm install command, I suspect behind the scenes the 1-click install does the same)
- helm upgrade ingress-nginx to fix cert-manager pod2pod communication and enable proxy protocoll
helm upgrade ingress-nginx ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version 4.8.2 --namespace ingress-nginx --values ingress-nginx/values.yaml
- Create DNS A record for pointing to the Load Balancer IP address (Load balancer is a DO object created with the ingress-nginx helm chart install)
- helm update argocd with
helm upgrade argocd argo/argo-cd --version 4.9.4 --namespace argocd -f argocd-values.yaml
- Apply all files in
directorykubectl apply -f cert-manager-issuer.yaml kubectl apply -f argocd-ingress.yaml
Goal: Store secrets in 1password instead of kubernetes, so we can push all kubernetes config while keeping the secrets safe in 1password
- 1password-secret-store.yaml: kuberentes ESO Secret Store to be referenced by external secrets
- connect-server-access-token-secret.yaml: kubernetes secret file to connect with the 1password connect server without the actual secret token. the token can be generated on 1password website or CLI.
- docker-compose.yaml: docker compose config to run the 1password connect server on a separate machine. Requires a
file locally in the same directory, which can be obtained from the 1password website or CLI. - connect-server.conf nginx config for the SSL terminating proxy for the 1password connect server (so that secrets don't travel unencrypted)
- explore running the 1password connect server on the same k8s cluster to simplify infrastructure
- write script to automate the setup instraction (using
for full infra automation)
- create DO droplet (with docker template)
- create DNS A record pointing to the droplet
- install nginx, certbot
sudo apt install nginx certbot python3-certbot-nginx
- copy
to the droplet and rundocker compose up -d
- copy
nginx config to/etc/nginx/sites-available
and link it to sites enabledln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/connect-server.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
- test nginx config
nginx -t
- reload nginx config
nginx -s reload
- create SSL certificate with certbot
certbot --nginx -d
(email address and accepting terms is required!) - setup firewall to block TCP/8080 and TCP/8081 to avoid unencrypted access to the connect server (allow TCP/443 and TCP/22)
- helm install the external secret operator
helm repo add external-secrets
andhelm install external-secrets external-secrets/external-secrets -n external-secrets --create-namespace --set installCRDs=false
(from - create namespace for secret store
kubectl create ns kemkas
- create connect server access token secret in k8s
kubectl apply -f ./1password-connect-server/connect-server-access-token-secret.yaml
- create secret store
kubectl apply -f ./1password-connect-server/1password-secret-store.yaml
Goal: deploy an existing docker image into the k8s cluster with proper secrets and expose it on HTTPS with proper SSL cert
- kemkas-external-secrets.yaml: syncs external secrets from the 1password secret store
- kemkas-deployment.yaml: configures the kemkas server docker image to run on the cluster
- kemkas-service.yaml: exposes the kemkas server deployment to the cluster
- kemkas-ssl-cert-issuer.yaml: config for issuing SSL certs for accessing the kemkas server on the internet
- kemkas-ingress.yaml: exposes the kemkas server on the internet through the nginx ingress proxy
- connect Digital Ocean Container Registry to the k8s cluster
doctl registry kubernetes-manifest | kubectl apply -f -
- create external secrets for the upcoming kemkas deployment
kubectl apply -f ./kemkas/kemkas-external-secrets.yaml
- create kemkas deployment
kubectl apply -f ./kemkas/kemkas-deployment.yaml
- create service to export the kemkas deployment
kubectl apply -f ./kemkas/kemkas-service.yaml
- create SSL cert issuer
kubectl apply -f ./kemkas/kemkas-ssl-cert-issuer.yaml
- create ingress for the kemkas service
kubectl apply -f ./kemkas/kemkas-ingress.yaml