The inspiration for this project was some applications, such as Pokemon go and games that use location services. Before getting on this project, I saw some people creating a video for Google Map API, and some of my inspiration came from there. I also got inspired by my favorite game, Zelda Breath of the Wild because this game is known as the most famous game and well-played game on Nintendo Switch. Nintendo announced that they are going to release a new version of Zelda Breath of the Wild, called Tears of the Kingdom, and I wanted to take a moment and celebrate and encourage the community. Zelda Breath of the Wild is something called an open-world game where you can explore the game and basically do whatever you want. I realized that this is very similar to our real world because we can do things unlimitedly in real life.
This map enables you to go to the real world, but at the same time, you want to complete some missions in your place. There are main quest features where you can see critical quests for. so for example the first mission is follow the shake a sleigh shake a sleigh is this lady going to have at the beginning over the game. but in this time instead of the Shika slate is going to use Google Maps to discover something you can use please. after completing all the missions on the mob you basically consider that as a saving award from Gannon
The system behind this project is all components of CSS and HTML, also Javascript. This is also because of that google map API requires me to use this new language so I had a chance to explore this new language. Also, I had a chance to play around with google map API where I could edit the map's coloring and customize very small details, for example, land of color and watercolor and text stroke, and so on.
The challenge I ran into was team communication. originally I was having a project with some other people from colleges. however, due to miscommunication between us, we were not able to complete our project with our team members. So we had to separate our work and I had to do my solo project.
Accomplishments that we are proud of are actually creating something visible in the playable. Because I know for most of the projects and teammates they are not able to complete their work and end up not submitting anything by the due dates, but I’m really proud of myself actually creating something for the deadline in learning new things that would improve my skill for the future. Also, putting myself in a fresh environment, google map api and figuring out what I can do by reading all the documents and asking people for advises.
The thing that I learned here is mostly about front end and designing things since I had been doing a lot of background for example, there are signs in the master landing by using a painting I didn’t know how hard it is for the front people. I also learned a basic concept of HTML and CSS and also JavaScript. those languages are totally new to me although I had some background and it works very differently from Parsons and C++ so that was something that I could learn.
for the next project, I would say there should be something that I could improve for example you are you ask could improve in terms of design and usefulness. I’m also thinking about some key features for the Google Maps API for example searching nearby future, which would be a great future to have icon. I could also think about using a Google Maps API for that direction and the route which enables the user to create a direction from eight to be.