Android Development Tools
- 基于OkHttp Retrofit RxJava 用构建者模式封装的网络库
- 初始化方便 使用方便
- 支持Https配置
- 支持请求日志格式化
- 支持返回类型自主配置
- 支持MVP生命周期管理
- 支持配合RxJava链式请求
- 支持配置全局Token
- 支持全局参数配置
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
implementation 'com.github.moxiaohao:aifotools:Tag'
- add this code in your Application class
FoYoNet.init(application) //初始化
.withApiHost(UrlConstant.URL_BASE) //设置网络请求 同理的 Domain
.withHttpsCerPath("fuyoukache.cer") //设置Https 证书
.withRespFilter(new FyResponseFilter()) //设置网络请求返回值 解析Filter
.withInterceptor(new FoYoInterceptor()) //设置请求日志解析拦截器
.withInterceptor(new ErrorLogInterceptor()) //设置请求错误处理拦截器
.withToken(BaseSharePreferenceUtils.getToken()) //这只全局请求token
.withNetGlobleParams(ApnInit.getHeads()) //这只全局请求参数
.withLoggerAdapter() //设置LogAdapter
.withDebugMode(true) //设置是否打印请求 日志
.configure(); //配置生效
- define a Retrofit Service
public interface CommonService {
Observable<SingleEntity> login(@FieldMap WeakHashMap<String, Object> params);
define a Result Entity for response json
public class BaseEntity implements Serializable {
public int code;
public String desc;
- Business Entity
public class SingleEntity extends BaseEntity {
public List<DataBean> data;
public static class DataBean {
public String title;
public String content;
public String hint;
public List<String> infoList;
- Activity or Fragment can implement FoYoLifeCycle
public class ExampleActivity extends RxAppCompatActivity implements FoYoLifeCycle
public <T> LifecycleTransformer<T> bindToLife() {
return bindUntilEvent(ActivityEvent.DESTROY);
- then you can send a http request
.params("username", "jake") //添加参数
.params("password", "123456")
.loader(ExampleActivity.this) //添加默认加载状态
.bindLifeCycle(this) //绑定生命周期 处理内存泄露
.service(CommonService.class) //Retrofit 请求 Service类
.method((IMethod<CommonService>)CommonService::login) //具体的请求 方法
.success((ISuccess<SingleEntity>) response -> {
FoYoLogger.i(TAG, "request success and do something");//请求成功 更新数据
.failure((code, desc) -> {
FoYoLogger.i(TAG, "request failed and do something"); //请求失败 提示原因
- if you want use RxJava send a Request link
Observable.just("").flatMap(s -> FoYoNet.builder()
.params("username", "jake") //添加参数
.params("password", "123456")
.loader(ExampleActivity.this) //添加默认加载状态
.service(CommonService.class) //Retrofit 请求 Service类
.method((IMethod<CommonService>)CommonService::login) //具体的请求 方法;
.build().request()).flatMap(o -> FoYoNet.builder()
.params("username", "jake") //添加参数
.params("password", "123456")
.loader(ExampleActivity.this) //添加默认加载状态
.service(CommonService.class) //Retrofit 请求 Service类
.method((IMethod<CommonService>) CommonService::login) //具体的请求 方法;
.subscribe(new FoYoObserver<Object>() {
public void onSuccess(RespData data) {
FoYoLogger.i(TAG, "request success and do something");//请求成功 更新数据
public void onFailure(RespData data) {
FoYoLogger.i(TAG, "request failed and do something"); //请求失败 提示原因