--- Real Estate Platform MERN Assignment Client Site ---
Admin email: [email protected]
Admin password: Qwert@2
- Three types of routes (User Route, Agent Route, Admin Route).
- JWT token security
- Firebase authentication
- Image hosting feature
- Payment getaway (Using Strip)
VITE_APIKEY= "Your Firebase Api Key"
VITE_AUTHDOMAIN="Your Firebase domain"
VITE_PROJECTID="Your FireBase project Id"
VITE_STORAGEBUCKET= "Your Firebase Storage Bucket"
VITE_MESSAGINGSENDERID="Your Firebase Messaging Sender id"
VITE_APPID="Your Firebase App Id"
VITE_IMGBB_API_KEY="Your imagebb Api key"
VITE_PAYMENT_GATEWAY_PK="stripe public key for payment system"
DB_USER="Database (MongoDB) User Id"
DB_PASS="Database (MongoDb) password"
PAYMENT_SECRET_KEY="Strip Payment Secret Key"
Home Page: At the home page there are a navbar containing website logo,home route,all properties,dashboard and login/logout/register button ,with these user can easily navigate through out the website.And a banner,feature,faq and footer section.
All-Property Page: At this page user can see all the verified properties and if a property is not verified by admin or if a agent is fraud such properties will not be displayed.
Dashboard: Here user,agent,admin can see their specific route where they can easily buy,manage,wishlisted the property with convenient way.
Payment: On this website user can feel a real time payment functionality with stripe.By using this payment method they can easily buy a property.
Review Section: At the home page user see the current review (upto 5 reviews).If some add a reviews recently,it will show at the home page's review section.
Material Ui: Here in this project I have used material ui at the navbar and some components or page(like login,logout etc) which gives a good user interface.
Search Functionality: At the all properties page user will see a search box , where they can search a property easily with property title.
React Responsive Carousel: At the banner section I have used react responsive carousel to slide picture efficiently.
Swiper Js: At the faq section I have used swiper js to show reviews with auto slider.
JWT token implemented: WTs or JSON Web Tokens are most commonly used to identify an authenticated user. They are issued by an authentication server and are consumed by the client-server (to secure its APIs)