A project template with the following objectives in mind:
- use modern UI tools
- use a single source of truth
- make it painless to write new features
- optimize for incremental build
- arch:
- app: clean architecture with features x layer modularization
- ui: simplified MVI
- build: kts gradle build scripts + gradle convention plugins to simplify + version catalog
- dep injection: hilt + auto-dagger
- ui: compose + material3 + navigation
- async: coroutines & flow
- db: room
- rest: retrofit
- annotation processing: ksp only, no kapt
Modules hierarchy:
- app
- core
- di
- feature
- nav
- ui
- ui
- theme
- features
- library
- data
- domain
- nav
- ui
- spotlight
- ui
- library
- gradle-plugins
Feature module plugins:
- app.feature.data
- app.feature.domain
- app.feature.nav
- app.feature.ui
Each adds all requirements for the module of a given layer, save the android namespace.
Navigation is using dedicated modules for stronger feature isolation.
- ui: coil
- room: database in the library module makes sense for this sample app, for not for a real app. If you find a multi-module pattern for room, please call me (I'd say this is not possible, by design)
- room: migration handling
- vm: allow shared vms in a given navigationGraph