This package provides C++
sub-routines for several iterative procedures in the R
package WRS
for robust statistics by Dr. Rand Wilcox. These C++
sub-routines can provide substantial performance boosts.
A 64-bit Linux version is compiled by Joe Johnston and can be obtained here here
A 64-bit Windows version can be obtained here
The raw code is in here.
####To install this package, four R packages are required:
: These two packages allow convenient interface between R and C++.RcppArmadillo
, so installing the first one will automatically prompt R to install the latter. -
: This package allows R users to install packages hosted on Github.install.packages("WRS", repos="", type="source") install.packages( c("RcppArmadillo", "devtools") )
####Next, load devtools and install the WRScpp binary:
install_github(repo="WRScpp", username="mrxiaohe")
###[Examples of a subset of functions]
Load WRScpp
and WRS
Also load rbenchmark
for performance benchmarks:
#install.packages("rbenchmark") #If it hasn't been installed yet.
Create a mock dataset called dataset1 using the code below:
dataset1<-structure(list(y=c(-1.49719416897806, -1.04139301128124, 0.0945236304367192, 2.34517600028403, -2.01910934921224,
0.738818483718415, -1.29894622500239, -2.28749064172037, -1.83460914213215, 1.7264401742697,
-0.282651383157718, -0.86805194949488, -0.864427449770363, 1.3890252146112, -1.06755713953516,
-2.32897163610783, 1.66038960720445, 1.61487788113575, 1.0899088587434, 1.59281468275878,
-3.92950882381207, -2.86897048491236, 0.756543092818702, 0.75605628995123, -1.94551222893336,
-0.521647504402827, 0.750976521143092, 2.05661942206825, -0.0553654356461042, 1.83487282390805,
-0.681331876121451, -1.09742432884331, 0.809885352209668, -1.75444757180733, -1.32646138930983,
0.93932182852857, 2.69573032525144, 1.19980666244453, 2.66656782068436, -2.04469844361269,
2.25443895842938, -0.287436324399811, -0.646793604946014, -1.12134602060874, -0.123057506010716,
3.40147762961413, -0.105013757259212, 2.57888932230486, -0.248784082384957, -0.80495910311552,
-1.62736886754023, -1.80623698171649, 0.0826863988021116,-1.02443966620053, -0.624640883344864),
x = c(-0.414242088066754, 0.0475817644136152,-0.815134097927552, 0.578444566236884, -0.459034615425856,
0.809378901441766, -0.977367705972685, -1.67738162375379, -0.430291674794372, 1.42019731595199,
-0.749035091787927, -1.35225060418292, -0.492196888552811, 0.539778435067201, 0.0459914831995694,
-1.2521152391345, 1.00360926349214, 1.09644063218488, 0.508112310623724, 1.32898360956295,
-1.5116989382724, -1.80654236075974, 1.06240878829949, -0.091275817909321, -0.570211504099203,
-0.268748606177556, 0.764654371144826, 1.9589087924292, -0.906694839411102, 0.450015221346758,
-0.254560403793998, -1.30082788198172, 1.15863187888594, -1.61536768356543, -0.858653684897159,
1.13914138747698, 0.775779787679006, 0.267099868753253, 1.32191674807275, -0.23978424525859,
1.93490877730752, 1.08101027023282, -1.51349689876255, -0.758066482747475, -0.592268993080326,
0.676081370171539, -0.342776942447623, 1.0517207133769, -0.39294982859476, 0.622178484006425,
6.22656137599703, 6.45244734765708, 8.50469010153436, 6.24821960890362, 7.56808156590792
)), .Names = c("y", "x"), row.names = c(NA, -55L), class = "data.frame")
####1. tsreg_C()
: Theil-Sen regression estimator
Use Gauss-Seidel algorithm when there is more than one predictor.
(1). Create a scatter plot for this dataset:
plot( y ~ x, dataset1 )
(2). Run the least squares linear regression using lm()
, and plot a regression line based on the result.
model.lm <- lm( y ~ x, data = dataset1 )
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -0.17700 0.22667 -0.781 0.438
x 0.13528 0.09723 1.391 0.170
Residual standard error: 1.617 on 53 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.03524, Adjusted R-squared: 0.01703
F-statistic: 1.936 on 1 and 53 DF, p-value: 0.1699
abline( model.lm, col="red" )
(3). Run Theil-Sen regression estimator tsreg_C()
, and plot a regression line based on the result.
model.tsreg <- with(dataset1, tsreg(x, y))
model.tsreg[-2] #Display results but suppress residuals
-0.3281116 0.9554134
[1] 0.715131
[1] 0.5114123
abline( model.tsreg$coef, col="blue" )
(4). Compare runtime between tsreg()
and tsreg_C()
using benchmark()
. tsreg()
is entirely coded in R
, whereas portions of tsreg_C()
are coded in C++
Create another, larger dataset
set.seed(1); dataset2 <- matrix(rnorm(1000), ncol=5)
[,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
[1,] -0.6264538 0.4094018 1.0744410 -0.3410670 -1.08690882
[2,] 0.1836433 1.6888733 1.8956548 1.5024245 -1.82608301
[3,] -0.8356286 1.5865884 -0.6029973 0.5283077 0.99528181
[4,] 1.5952808 -0.3309078 -0.3908678 0.5421914 -0.01186178
[5,] 0.3295078 -2.2852355 -0.4162220 -0.1366734 -0.59962839
[6,] -0.8204684 2.4976616 -0.3756574 -1.1367339 -0.17794799
benchmark( replications = 100,
tsreg( x=dataset2[, 1:4], y=dataset2[, 5] ),
tsreg_C( x=dataset2[, 1:4], y=dataset2[, 5] )
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
2 tsreg_C(dataset2[, 1:4], dataset2[, 5]) 100 8.834 1.000 8.473 0.388 0 0
1 tsreg(dataset2[, 1:4], dataset2[, 5]) 100 43.232 4.894 38.848 4.520 0 0
####2. tshdreg_C()
: A variation of Theil-Sen regression estimator
This function uses Harrell-Davis estimator rather than the usual sample median. Also, the intercept is taken to be the median of the residuals.
(1). Use this function on dataset1, and plot a regression line based on the result.
model.tshdreg <- with(dataset1, tshdreg(x, y))
[1] -0.09980145 0.94965936
[1] 0.7108241
[1] 0.5052709
abline( model.tshdreg$coef, col="green")
(2). Compare runtime between tshdreg()
and tshdreg_C()
using benchmark()
benchmark( replications = 100,
tshdreg( x=dataset2[, 1:4], y=dataset2[, 5] ),
tshdreg_C( x=dataset2[, 1:4], y=dataset2[, 5] )
test replications elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
2 tshdreg_C(dataset2[, 1:4], dataset2[, 5]) 100 27.774 1.000 26.784 0.758 0 0
1 tshdreg(dataset2[, 1:4], dataset2[, 5]) 100 145.014 5.221 140.692 3.050 0 0
####3. stsreg_C()
: A variation of Theil-Sen regression estimator
Slopes are selected such that some robust measure of variance of residuals is minimized. By default, percentage bend midvariance (see the function pbvar()
) is minimized.
(1). Apply stsreg_C()
to dataset1 and plot a regression line based on the result.
model.stsreg <- with(dataset1, stsreg_C(x, y))
[1] -0.3424785 1.2573545
[1] 0.9411352
[1] 0.8857355
abline( model.stsreg$coef, col="purple")
(2). Compare performance between stsreg() and stsreg_C() using system.time().
system.time( stsreg_C(dataset2[,1:4], dataset2[,5]) )
user system elapsed
24.679 0.234 25.002
system.time( stsreg(dataset2[,1:4], dataset2[,5]) )
user system elapsed
839.375 25.478 867.326
####4. tstsreg_C()
: A modified version of Theil-Sen regression estimator
The function first uses stsreg_C()
to compute the initial estimate, next uses the computed residuals to determine outliers, lastly does regular Theil-Sen on data with regression outliers removed.
(1). Apply tstreg_C()
on dataset1; plot a regression line.
model.tstsreg <- with(dataset1, tstsreg_C(x, y))
0.04935162 1.24334983
abline(model.tstsreg$coef, col="black")
(2). Compare performance between tstreg()
and tstreg_C()
using system.time()
system.time( tstsreg_C(dataset2[,1:4], dataset2[,5]) )
user system elapsed
25.517 0.281 26.299
system.time( tstsreg(dataset2[,1:4], dataset2[,5]) )
user system elapsed
740.578 23.169 762.316