Chat App
- Install nodejs@latest and npm latest
- create a project folder in your favorite drive (C:/Development/chatapp)
- cd C:/Development/chatapp
- C:/Development/chatapp> npm init
- Give the project details and package.json will be generated.
- C:/Development/chatapp> npm install --save [email protected]
- C:/Development/chatapp> npm install --save
- C:/Development/chatapp> npm install --save window
- C:/Development/chatapp> npm install --save jquery
Once all the above steps are completed, run 10. C:/Development/chatapp> node index.js
your setup is complete and your application should be running on port 3000.
You can launch the application using http://localhost:3000
- Install nodejs@latest and npm latest with root access. i. sudo yum install nodejs ii. sudo yum install npm iii. node --version iv. npm --version
- create a project folder under /opt/chatapp
- /opt/chatapp> npm init
- Give the project details and package.json will be generated.
- /opt/chatapp> npm install --save [email protected]
- /opt/chatapp> npm install --save
- /opt/chatapp> npm install --save window
- /opt/chatapp> npm install --save jquery
Once all the above steps are completed, run 9. /opt/chatapp> node index.js
your setup is complete and your application should be running on port 3000.
You can launch the application using http://localhost:3000
Note: In Linux OS, sometimes you the node may be installed in /usr/local/bin, in that case add this path to the PATH environment variable.
Note: Any issues, please email to [email protected]
Note: Any issues, please email to [email protected]