A short list of tools for improving the Twitter experience
Use Secateur if you want to temporarily or permanently block a Twitter account and all its followers.
Free to use, the app can block all the followers of accounts with less than 50k followers.
Red Block is free browser extension that can block imported lists or followers of a specific account (limited to blocking smaller batches of 500 accounts at a time).
Notice: blocking too many accts in a 15 min interval will cause you to be automatically logged out of Twitter.
Free, has a bunch of pre-listed DezNat accounts on a block list, hosted by @BlockDNat.
After authorizing the app subscribe to this list:
Free to use. Block list of 500+ big companies on Twitter, list by @shannoncoulter, hosted by @theblockbot.
After authorizing the app subscribe to this list:
Block Party is good for really massive lists, schedule batches of 5k accounts to block at a time. You can schedule multiple batches to run and it auto blocks them for you BUT requires a cc for free trial, costs after 30 days if not cancelled. (I really like using this one to go beyond the limits of the other apps.) Also requires MFA via number or authentication app.
Use Tweet Beaver to pull friend and follower lists to use in conjunction with blocking tools.
Instant Data Scraper is really useful for pulling all the likes off of a tweet to make a block list. Recommended for use with Block Pary App.
Additional alternatives that help block multiple users
- Blockasaurus - https://blockasaurus.glitch.me/ (works for small amounts of blocks)
- Twitter-Block-With-Love - https://github.com/E011011101001/Twitter-Block-With-Love (not tested)
- Likers Blocker - https://dmstern.github.io/likers-blocker/ (not tested)
- Poop blocker - https://poop-blocker.glitch.me/ (not tested)
- MegaBlock - https://megablock.xyz/ (Tested, not working 27-Oct-2022)
- Block Together https://blocktogether.org/ (Retired 2021)
- Twitter list importing (rip)
Have a suggestion for tools to add? Contact me on Twitter at @murphtracks