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This repository contains a Golang mosquitto client library, which conforms to the MQTT standard. This documentation includes the following information:

  • What dependencies are needed in order to use this package;
  • Information about the two command-line tools, mqttpub and mqttsub;
  • Using the libmosquitto bindings;
  • Alternatively, using the higher-level package;
  • Building a REST API frontend to mqtt.

This repository is published under the Apache license. Please use the issues tab on Github to file bugs, ask for features or for general discussion.

Copyright Notice

Copyright 2020, 2021 David Thorpe

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

This repository requires you to install the mosquitto library, which is licensed under a separate license.


In order to test on Mac using homebrew:

bash# brew install mosquitto
bash# git clone [email protected]:djthorpe/mosquitto.git
bash# cd mosquitto
bash# make test

Similarly for Debian:

bash# sudo apt install libmosquitto-dev
bash# git clone [email protected]:djthorpe/mosquitto.git
bash# cd mosquitto
bash# make test

Command-Line Tools

There are two command-line tools, one for publishing messages and one for subscribing to topics. In order to make these, use the make command within the repository which results in two binaries, mqttpub and mqttsub. For example, in order to subscribe to messages:

bash# mqttsub \$SYS/broker/+

TYPE       TOPIC                                    DATA                                    
---------- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
CONNECT                                             <nil>                                   
SUBSCRIBE                                           <nil>                                   
MESSAGE    $SYS/broker/version                      "mosquitto version 1.6.8"               
MESSAGE    $SYS/broker/uptime                       "231546 seconds"                        

(Make sure you use the backslash character where necessary).

In order to publish use the -topic flag and one or more arguments. This will publish UTF-8 data on the broker. You can use the -qos parameter to set the quality of service to 0, 1 or 2.

bash# mqttpub -topic test "Hello, World"

Using the bindings

You can use the following libmosquitto bindings in your code. For informaton about the C API, please see here:

package mosquitto

const MOSQ_DEFAULT_PORT = 1883

// Initialize the library
func Init() error

// Cleanup the library
func Cleanup() error

// Return library version as major,minor and revision integers
func Version() (int, int, int)

// New is called to create a new empty client object
func New(clientId string, clean bool, userInfo uintptr) (*Client, error)

// Connect to a broker using host and port, setting the keepalive time in
// seconds and use 'true' for the async parameter to connect asyncronously
func (this *Client) Connect(host string, port int, keepalive int, async bool) error

//Connect to a broker using host and port, setting the keepalive time in
// seconds and use 'true' for the async parameter to connect asyncronously.
// Connects to a specific interface.
func (this *Client) ConnectBind(host, bindAddress string, port int, keepalive int, async bool) error

// Destroy is called when you have finished using a client
func (this *Client) Destroy() error

// Disconnect from a broker
func (this *Client) Disconnect() error

// Start the event loop thread, to be called before Connect
func (this *Client) LoopStart() error

// Stop the event loop thread, to be called after Disconnect has completed
func (this *Client) LoopStop(force bool) error

// Publish a message to the broker in a topic and return the id of the request
func (this *Client) Publish(topic string, data []byte, qos int, retain bool) (int, error)

// Subscribe to one set of topics and return the id of the request
func (this *Client) Subscribe(topics string, qos int) (int, error)

// Unsubscribe from one set of topics and return the id of the request
func (this *Client) Unsubscribe(topics string) (int, error)

In order to understand when requests to connect, disconnect, subscribe, unsubscribe and publish have completed, you need to set callback functions. In addition SetMessageCallback should be used to receive messages from the broker:

func (this *Client) SetConnectCallback(cb DisconnectCallback) error
func (this *Client) SetDisconnectCallback(cb DisconnectCallback) error

func (this *Client) SetSubscribeCallback(cb SubscribeCallback) error
func (this *Client) SetUnsubscribeCallback(cb UnsubscribeCallback) error

func (this *Client) SetPublishCallback(cb PublishCallback) error
func (this *Client) SetMessageCallback(cb MessageCallback) error
func (this *Client) SetLogCallback(cb LogCallback) error

The signatures for these callbacks are as follows:

type ConnectCallback func(userInfo uintptr,rc int)
type DisconnectCallback func(userInfo uintptr,rc int)

type SubscribeCallback func(userInfo uintptr,mid int,qos []int)
type UnsubscribeCallback func(userInfo uintptr,mid int)

type MessageCallback func(userInfo uintptr,message *Message)
type PublishCallback func(userInfo uintptr,mid int)
type LogCallback func(userInfo uintptr,level Level,str string)

A Message has the following methods in order to receive information:

func (this *Message) Id() int
func (this *Message) Topic() string
func (this *Message) Data() []byte
func (this *Message) Len() uint
func (this *Message) Qos() int
func (this *Message) Retain() bool