MouseX::AttributeTraitHelper::Merge - Extend your attribute traits interface for Mouse
This document describes MouseX::AttributeTraitHelper::Merge version 0.90.
package ClassWithTrait;
use Mouse -traits => 'MouseX::AttributeTraitHelper::Merge';
has attrib => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Int',
traits => ['Trait1', 'Trait2'],
no Mouse;
If you needs to use many traits for attribute with overlapped field name this solution for you!
This role replace all trait for attribute by one new trait. For example:
You have two traits:
package Trait1;
use Mouse::Role;
has 'allow' => (isa => 'Int', default => 123);
no Mouse::Role;
package Trait2;
use Mouse::Role;
has 'allow' => (isa => 'Str', default => 'qwerty');
no Mouse::Role;
Both add fields to attribute with same name. In this case Mouse throw the exception: "We have encountered an attribute conflict with 'allow' during composition. This is fatal error and cannot be disambiguated."
Usage of a '+' before role attribute was not supported.
package ClassWithTrait;
use Mouse -traits => 'MouseX::AttributeTraitHelper::Merge';
has attrib => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Int',
traits => ['Trait1', 'Trait2'],
no Mouse;
In this case Trait1 and Trait2 merged in MouseX::AttributeTraitHelper::Merge::Trait1::Trait2 and applied to atribute `attrib`. The last `Trait` in the list is the highest priority and rewrite attribute fields.
In this case attribute `attrib` has field `allow` with type `Str` and dafault value `qwerty`.
But method `does` still work correctly: `ClassWithTrait->meta->get_attribute('attrib')->does('Trait1')` or `ClassWithTrait->meta->get_attribute('attrib')->does('Trait2')` returns true
The last may confuse the developer because `Trait1` exports the `allow` field of type `Int`, but ultimately `allow` is of type `Str`
Perl 5.8.8 or later.
Nikolay Shulyakovskiy (nikolas) <nikolas(at)>
Copyright (c) 2019, Nikolay Shulyakovskiy (nikolas)
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic for details.