43 commits
to master
since this release
V2.0-preview5 is ready!
What's new: StrongViewLocator to register ViewModel-View combinations in a strongly-typed way to avoid the use of reflection. Useful if you want to use Assembly Trimming! Works for both desktop and mobile and selects the View accordingly.
Sample ViewLocator registration:
locator = new StrongViewLocator() { ForceSinglePageNavigation = false }
.Register<MainViewModel, MainView, MainWindow>()
.Register<CurrentTimeViewModel, CurrentTimeView, CurrentTimeWindow>()
.Register<ConfirmCloseViewModel, ConfirmCloseView, ConfirmCloseWindow>();
build.RegisterLazySingleton(() => (IDialogService)new DialogService(
new DialogManager(viewLocator: locator),
viewModelFactory: x => Locator.Current.GetService(x)));
It could be done even better. This StaticViewLocatorGenerator (usage here) could be adapted to be more generic and serve for our needs. It would use a Source Generator to generate ViewModel-View mapping at compile-time using naming standards and removing the need for reflection. If someone has experience with Source Generators, contribution is welcomed!