The following project is a recipe search page that allows the user to search for recipes that use certain ingredients and add the ingredients needed to make those recipes to a shopping list. It uses a css library called picnic to provide a responsive layout. Using JQuery and local storage, we are able to take the shopping list of ingredients and save it to the local computer so that the shopper doesn't have to worry about their list being deleted if they refresh the page. We also use an API for some food trivia so that each time a user goes to the site, they are presented with a little piece of knowledge about food that they may not have known before.
To install, download the whole folder and open the file named index.html.
Our project is intended to be used by the average shopper. We give the user the ability to make an easier shopping list when things get stale eating the same recipes each week. To help prevent food boredom, this app makes it easy to try new foods and be creative in the kitchen. The app is also mobile compatible so that you can take the list with you and save paper on printing your list.
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