Uber application clone built with React Native, Tailwind CSS, and Redux. React Native Navigation is implemented for seamless navigation between screens and React Native Elements is for an added design. The app utilizes Google Places API, Google Distance Matrix API, and Google Directions API to calculate real travel time, distance, and provide direction navigation.
Application is hosted on Expo.
To access, please download Expo Go on iOS or Android and open the link provided on this page
Feel free to clone the repo or reference the code and remember to install required packages
The purpose of this app build is to practice Mobile Development with React Native
We love seeing community contributions to opensource projects! Did I miss something? Want to make a suggestion? Find a spelling mistake? All messages are greatly appreciated! If you would like to contribute, please do.
This project is released under MIT opensource license:
For more about my work, check out my Github profile: https://github.com/nard1n
If you have any questions and would like to chat, please feel free to send me an email directly to [email protected]