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MimbleWimble: started implementing MW tx creation
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Add NBitcoin.Secp256k1 library because it has Schnorr
signature. As the library requires .netstandard 2.1,
make NLitecoin target it instead of 2.0.
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webwarrior-ws committed Mar 26, 2024
1 parent 5f5e144 commit baa4321
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Showing 4 changed files with 400 additions and 10 deletions.
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions src/NLitecoin/MimbleWimble/Pedersen.fs
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@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
module NLitecoin.MimbleWimble.Pedersen

open Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Digests
open Org.BouncyCastle.Crypto.Parameters
open Org.BouncyCastle.Asn1.X9
open Org.BouncyCastle.Math
open NBitcoin

let curve = ECNamedCurveTable.GetByName("secp256k1")
let domainParams = new ECDomainParameters(curve.Curve, curve.G, curve.N, curve.H, curve.GetSeed())

let generatorG = curve.G
let generatorH =
[| 0x50uy; 0x92uy; 0x9buy; 0x74uy; 0xc1uy; 0xa0uy; 0x49uy; 0x54uy; 0xb7uy; 0x8buy; 0x4buy; 0x60uy; 0x35uy; 0xe9uy; 0x7auy; 0x5euy;
0x07uy; 0x8auy; 0x5auy; 0x0fuy; 0x28uy; 0xecuy; 0x96uy; 0xd5uy; 0x47uy; 0xbfuy; 0xeeuy; 0x9auy; 0xceuy; 0x80uy; 0x3auy; 0xc0uy; |],
[| 0x31uy; 0xd3uy; 0xc6uy; 0x86uy; 0x39uy; 0x73uy; 0x92uy; 0x6euy; 0x04uy; 0x9euy; 0x63uy; 0x7cuy; 0xb1uy; 0xb5uy; 0xf4uy; 0x0auy;
0x36uy; 0xdauy; 0xc2uy; 0x8auy; 0xf1uy; 0x76uy; 0x69uy; 0x68uy; 0xc3uy; 0x0cuy; 0x23uy; 0x13uy; 0xf3uy; 0xa3uy; 0x89uy; 0x04uy; |])

let generatorJPub =
0x5fuy; 0x15uy; 0x21uy; 0x36uy; 0x93uy; 0x93uy; 0x01uy; 0x2auy; 0x8duy; 0x8buy; 0x39uy; 0x7euy; 0x9buy; 0xf4uy; 0x54uy; 0x29uy;
0x2fuy; 0x5auy; 0x1buy; 0x3duy; 0x38uy; 0x85uy; 0x16uy; 0xc2uy; 0xf3uy; 0x03uy; 0xfcuy; 0x95uy; 0x67uy; 0xf5uy; 0x60uy; 0xb8uy; |],
0x3auy; 0xc4uy; 0xc5uy; 0xa6uy; 0xdcuy; 0xa2uy; 0x01uy; 0x59uy; 0xfcuy; 0x56uy; 0xcfuy; 0x74uy; 0x9auy; 0xa6uy; 0xa5uy; 0x65uy;
0x31uy; 0x6auy; 0xa5uy; 0x03uy; 0x74uy; 0x42uy; 0x3fuy; 0x42uy; 0x53uy; 0x8fuy; 0xaauy; 0x2cuy; 0xd3uy; 0x09uy; 0x3fuy; 0xa4uy; |])

/// Calculates the blinding factor x' = x + SHA256(xG+vH | xJ), used in the switch commitment x'G+vH.
let BlindSwitch (blindingFactor: BlindingFactor) (amount: CAmount) : BlindingFactor =
let hasher = Sha256Digest()

let x = blindingFactor.ToUint256().ToBytes() |> BigInteger
let v = amount.ToString() |> BigInteger
/// xG + vH
let commitSerialized = generatorG.Multiply(x).Add(generatorH.Multiply(v)).GetEncoded()
hasher.BlockUpdate(commitSerialized, 0, commitSerialized.Length)

// xJ
let xJ = generatorJPub.Multiply x
let xJSerialized = xJ.GetEncoded true
hasher.BlockUpdate(xJSerialized, 0, xJSerialized.Length)

let hash = Array.zeroCreate<byte> 32
hasher.DoFinal(hash, 0) |> ignore

let result = x.Add(BigInteger hash)

|> uint256
|> BlindingFactor.BlindindgFactor

/// Generates a pedersen commitment: *commit = blind * G + value * H. The blinding factor is 32 bytes.
let Commit (value: CAmount) (blind: BlindingFactor) : PedersenCommitment =
let result =
generatorG.Multiply(blind.ToUint256().ToBytes() |> BigInteger)
.Add(generatorH.Multiply(BigInteger.ValueOf value))
let bytes = result.GetEncoded()
assert(bytes.Length = PedersenCommitment.NumBytes)
PedersenCommitment(BigInt bytes)

let AddBlindingFactors (positive: array<BlindingFactor>) (negative: array<BlindingFactor>) : BlindingFactor =
let sum (factors: array<BlindingFactor>) =
|> (fun blind -> blind.ToUint256().ToBytes() |> BigInteger)
|> Array.fold (fun (a : BigInteger) b -> a.Add(b)) BigInteger.Zero

let result = (sum positive).Subtract(sum negative)

|> uint256
|> BlindingFactor.BlindindgFactor
189 changes: 189 additions & 0 deletions src/NLitecoin/MimbleWimble/TransactionBuilder.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
module NLitecoin.MimbleWimble.TransactionBuilder

open System

open NBitcoin
open Org.BouncyCastle.Math

type private Inputs =
TotalBlind: BlindingFactor
TotalKey: uint256
Inputs: array<Input>

type private Outputs =
TotalBlind: BlindingFactor
TotalKey: uint256
Outputs: array<Output>
Coins: array<NLitecoin.MimbleWimble.Coin>

/// Creates a standard input with a stealth key (feature bit = 1)// Creates a standard input with a stealth key (feature bit = 1)
let private CreateInput (outputId: Hash) (commitment: PedersenCommitment) (inputKey: uint256) (outputKey: uint256) =
let features = InputFeatures.STEALTH_KEY_FEATURE_BIT

let inputPubKey = PublicKey(inputKey.ToBytes() |> BigInt)
let outputPubKey = PublicKey(outputKey.ToBytes() |> BigInt)

// Hash keys (K_i||K_o)
let keyHasher = Hasher()
keyHasher.Append inputPubKey
keyHasher.Append outputPubKey
let keyHash = keyHasher.Hash().ToBytes()

// Calculate aggregated key k_agg = k_i + HASH(K_i||K_o) * k_o
let sigKey =
.Multiply(BigInteger keyHash)

let msgHasher = Hasher()
//msgHasher.Append features
msgHasher.Append outputId
let msgHash = msgHasher.Hash().ToBytes()

let schnorrSignature =
// is this the right one?

Features = features
OutputID = outputId
Commitment = commitment
InputPublicKey = Some inputPubKey
OutputPublicKey = outputPubKey
Signature = Signature(schnorrSignature.ToBytes() |> BigInt)
ExtraData = Array.empty

let private CreateInputs (inputCoins: seq<NLitecoin.MimbleWimble.Coin>) : Inputs =
let blinds, keys, inputs =
[| for inputCoin in inputCoins do
let blind = Pedersen.BlindSwitch inputCoin.Blind.Value inputCoin.Amount
let ephemeralKey = NBitcoin.RandomUtils.GetUInt256()
let input =
(Pedersen.Commit inputCoin.Amount blind)
yield blind, (BlindindgFactor ephemeralKey, BlindindgFactor inputCoin.SpendKey.Value), input |]
|> Array.unzip3

let positiveKeys, negativeKeys = Array.unzip keys

TotalBlind = Pedersen.AddBlindingFactors blinds Array.empty
TotalKey = (Pedersen.AddBlindingFactors positiveKeys negativeKeys).ToUint256()
Inputs = inputs

let private CreateOutput (senderPrivKey: uint256) (receiverAddr: StealthAddress) (value: uint64) : Output * BlindingFactor =
let features = OutputFeatures.STANDARD_FIELDS_FEATURE_BIT

// Generate 128-bit secret nonce 'n' = Hash128(T_nonce, sender_privkey)
let n =
let hasher = Hasher(HashTags.NONCE)
|> Array.take 16
|> BigInt

// Calculate unique sending key 's' = H(T_send, A, B, v, n)
let s =
let hasher = Hasher(HashTags.SEND_KEY)
hasher.Append receiverAddr.ScanPubKey
hasher.Append receiverAddr.SpendPubKey
hasher.Write (BitConverter.GetBytes value)
hasher.Append n
|> BigInteger

let A =
match receiverAddr.ScanPubKey with
| PublicKey pubKey -> BigInteger pubKey.Data

let B =
match receiverAddr.SpendPubKey with
| PublicKey pubKey -> BigInteger pubKey.Data

// Derive shared secret 't' = H(T_derive, s*A)
let sA = A.Multiply s
let t =
let hasher = Hasher(HashTags.DERIVE)

// Construct one-time public key for receiver 'Ko' = H(T_outkey, t)*B
let Ko =
let hasher = Hasher(HashTags.OUT_KEY)
hasher.Append t
B.Multiply(hasher.Hash().ToBytes() |> BigInteger);

// Key exchange public key 'Ke' = s*B
let Ke = B.Multiply s

// Calc blinding factor and mask nonce and amount.
let mask = OutputMask.FromShared(t.ToUInt256())
let blind = Pedersen.BlindSwitch mask.PreBlind (int64 value)
let mv = mask.MaskValue value
let mn = mask.MaskNonce n

// Commitment 'C' = r*G + v*H
let outputCommit = Pedersen.Commit (int64 value) blind

// Calculate the ephemeral send pubkey 'Ks' = ks*G
let Ks = Secp256k1.ECPubKey.Create(senderPrivKey.ToBytes())

// Derive view tag as first byte of H(T_tag, sA)
let viewTag =
let hasher = Hasher(HashTags.TAG)

let message =
Features = features
StandardFields =
Some {
KeyExchangePubkey = PublicKey(Ke.ToByteArrayUnsigned() |> BigInt)
ViewTag = viewTag
MaskedValue = mv
MaskedNonce = mn
ExtraData = Array.empty

failwith "not implemented"

let private CreateOutputs (recipients: seq<Recipient>) : Outputs =
let outputBlinds, outputs, coins =
[| for recipient in recipients do
let ephemeralKey = NBitcoin.RandomUtils.GetUInt256()
let output, rawBlind = CreateOutput ephemeralKey recipient.Address (uint64 recipient.Amount)
let outputBlind = Pedersen.BlindSwitch rawBlind recipient.Amount
let coin =
{ Coin.Empty with
Blind = Some rawBlind
Amount = recipient.Amount
OutputId = output.GetOutputID()
SenderKey = Some ephemeralKey
Address = Some recipient.Address
yield outputBlind, output, coin
|> Array.unzip3

let outputKeys =
|> Array.choose (fun coin -> coin.SenderKey)
|> BlindindgFactor

TotalBlind = Pedersen.AddBlindingFactors outputBlinds Array.empty
TotalKey = (Pedersen.AddBlindingFactors outputKeys Array.empty).ToUint256()
Outputs = outputs
Coins = coins

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